Barça announces its entry into the European club Super League

In the middle of the speech of his departure, Josep Maria Bartomeu announced that Barça approved yesterday at the penultimate meeting of its Board of Directors (before resigning) the requirements to be part of a European Super League. “The decision to play the competition must be ratified by the next Assembly (of delegates). We can proudly say that we are the best club in the world in value. We have achieved it ahead of great magnates and states, keeping the club in the hands of The members The European Club Super League will guarantee the sustainability of the club and that it remains one of the members. Our uniqueness means that we do not have to distribute dividends. Bartomeu also announced that “the club has accepted the new format of the Club World Cup” proposed by FIFA, with the participation of 24 teams and eight European clubs.

Javier Tebas, president of LaLiga, immediately criticized the announcement of the already former president of Barça: “Unfortunate Bartomeu, announcing on the last day the participation in a phantom competition, which would be the ruin for Barça and ratifies his ignorance in the football industry. Sad end of a president who had successes and, lately, errors”.

The idea of ​​a European Super League of 18 clubs, with five English clubs and a two-round system, with a playoff among the highest ranked teams, is beginning to become popular. Barça and Real Madrid would be in this new tournament of the European ‘greats’ with JP Morgan as the maximum investor contributing more than 5,000 million, creating a tournament with the approval of FIFA.