Barça 1×1: 'Stone Hand' Ter Stegen avoided a catastrophe

Ter Stegen: Imperial. His party touched perfection. He saved the furniture thanks to stops of great merit, especially a dry and hard shot by Ocampos who responded by putting his hand up as he only knows. Again Ocampos and then Munir put him to the test, with a forceful response from the goalkeeper. He was also fortunate that Reguilón missed an opportunity almost at goal. He finished the game going up to the area in search of the winning goal in a corner play.

Semedo: Great match for the Portuguese winger, especially in a prodigious first half, always offering himself and giving depth to the band. He had an unequal battle with Munir in his gang, from which he was clearly the winner. At this level, the right wing must be theirs, to the detriment of Sergi Roberto. In the second part, he did not spend so much on the climbs.

Shield / Flag Barcelona

LaLiga Santander

* Data updated as of June 20, 2020

Pique: The Catalan central defender finished the match playing as a center forward, but this time with little luck. During the game he was sober and solvent in his actions. He has returned from confinement in optimal conditions.

Lenglet: Spectacular. Powerful in the air game and attentive in the court. He always anticipated the attacker and knew how to get a neat ball out. It seems that Umtiti's shadow begins to dwarf.

Sunrise: An action of his in the second half when Sevilla counterattacked with three players prevented Barcelona from leaving Seville with empty pockets. It was his best contribution in a game with many ups and downs. He also gave great assistance to Suarez, who was close to scoring. This time the connection with Messi did not finish. He had some problem when it came to defending set pieces. Sarabia screamed at him for being more attentive to Oliver's marking.

Sergio Busquets: Outstanding in every way. A new master class on how to play a defensive midfielder. Perfect in the exit of the ball, attentive in the recovery and always setting the pace of the game.

Rakitic: Good match by the Croatian, who was very dynamic and participative both in the game with the ball and without the ball. He recovered many balls in the medulla. He had a great chance, but the ball went out by a few centimeters.

Arturo vidal: In effort, momentum and claw nobody wins. But this time he was not so accurate or precise in the game. He started playing as a right inside, but ended up extreme. He was replaced by Griezmann.

Messi: Strangely gray party of the Argentine crack, which only created danger in the free kicks. He had a total of three, but it was the second that generated the most danger, drawing a perfect parable that slipped into the net, but that Koundé miraculously cleared from the head. In the combinatorial game it was not as precise as it is usual. There were moments until he descended a little, having a “riff rafe” with the central Diego Carlos. Your party will not go down in history.

Suarez: The Uruguayan in the end endured ninety minutes on the field. He was seen a little lacking in rhythm and thick in some actions, but overall he completed a more than correct game. He was very close to scoring in the last minutes after a great assist from Alba, but his shot went off the crossbar.

Braithwaite: Danish bad game. Setién imposed the mission to stop the climbs of Navas, but he could not and did not know how to do it, arriving always late. In attack, he contributed absolutely nothing as he was obsessed with stopping Navas. It was Setien's first change.


Arthur: It still does not take advantage of all its virtues, which are many. He brought more control to the ball, but continues without giving the last pass. He even lost an incomprehensible ball to a player of his level.

Griezmann: French is not good. He is seen without resources or solutions. He played thirteen minutes.

Riqui Puig: That he tries to go for a head ball already says a lot about the desire of this small player. With just over five minutes on the field, he provided more lights than others that quintupled in minutes.