Barbara Rey He is not going through the best moments after his son's harsh statements Angel Christ Jr on the small screen, where she spoke of family instability (marked by violence and the presence of drugs at home), as well as the artist's alleged blackmail to the king emeritus. After the media storm, the former circus star confessed that she was fighting depression. Upon learning of the artist's mental health problems, many have questioned her. This Sunday, Bárbara Rey responded, very bluntly, to all those who doubt her illness.
“May my mental health never be questioned again. None of you who are there know the truth. You are no one to give an opinion on whether I am sick or not, or on whether I have depression or not. Far from it saying that I can play with it,” Bárbara Rey said this Sunday in Fiesta through a phone call.
Almost two months after Ángel Cristo Jr.'s first interview on Telecinco, Sofía Cristo reaffirmed this Thursday on the competition network that both she and her mother are going to move forward with their intentions to take legal measures. Thus, this Sunday the former star recalled that preparing a lawsuit is a slow process. “Preparing a lawsuit takes a long time and you have to invest a lot of money, it seems incredible that you, who are such prepared people, don't know this. And yes, I am in treatment, I am not well, and I do not plan to speak again, thank you,” he said. sentenced.

Bárbara Rey's depression
It must be remembered that after fainting in December in a shopping center, Sofía Cristo herself already spoke about the problems that her mother was experiencing due to the trouble caused by her brother on Telecinco.
“He has had to go back to the psychiatrist because he can't handle this situation.” And he added: “A cardiologist is seeing her. She fainted in a shopping center the other day, they found her lying in the bathroom and they took her to the medical services. They offered her to leave there in a wheelchair, but she said no. , which had already had enough. It was then that the cameras captured her somewhat dazed. She had just fainted and she has the medical report that attests to it,” she said, thus explaining the background of the famous images in which Bárbara appeared disoriented in a parking lot in Madrid .