The Bale case script gave on the night of Tuesday an unexpected turn. When all the information that appeared in England pointed to the Welshman being in the United orbit, the player's agent, Jonathan Barnett, took the last turn of the screw late at night admitting on the Welsh BBC who was in talks with him Tottenham. After that statement, a authoritative voice Real Madrid admitted that United is still an option. So the future of Bale is debated between these two teams, good news in any case for the white entity, since the player, who has two more seasons of contract, charges 15 million euros net per campaign and does not count for Zidane.
This newspaper had the opportunity to have a long talk with the player's agent, Jonathan Barnett, on Tuesday morning. By then, the English press was awash with reports that spoke of the possibility of Bale being loaned a season to United. Only ESPN pointed to Tottenham's interest in the player. In that conversation with AS, Barnett denied categorically that the United was a possibility for Bale, and neither did Tottenham, and stated that neither of the two entities had contacted with the. However, for the first time, clearly opened the door at the player's exit: “Although people do not believe it, Bale is happy with his life in Madrid. He doesn't care about money. If any team can improve their situation, they just have to call us and talk about honest and serious way“.
TO is now, on Tuesday morning, if Bale's agent is to be believed, no one had called at the player's door. Apparently yes to Madrid, had been United, who had already surveyed the possibility of doing the operation within the framework of the conversations he was having for Reguilón (For which, by the way, Tottenham also negotiated).

The turn.
Environment at nine yesterday night some concise statements by agent Barnett appeared on 'BBC Wales Sport': “Gareth still loves Tottenham. It's where he wants to be. We're talking …”. Being the BBC an eminently audiovisual medium (radio and television), there was no sound of his words. But the agent himself confirmed his statements to this newspaper.
He Madrid, even then, did not rule out that the operation it could be done with United, but Barnett's words make it clear what the player's choice. He still maintains his home in an upscale East London neighborhood (from his time in the Tottenham), get to know the city, the club and prefer that destination to Manchester (who seemed to be very in tune with Madrid). On the other hand, the relationship of Barnett and Levy, Tottenham president, it's excellent, both notables of the London Jewish community. Not surprisingly, Barnett left there the most expensive transfer in history until 2013, 101 million euros. Now, everything points to a return …