The maximum type of personal income tax now exceeds 50% in seven autonomous communities

The maximum marginal rate of Personal Income Tax (IRPF) now exceeds 50% in seven autonomous communities. The Valencian Community (54%), Asturias (50%), Cantabria (50%), the Canary Islands (50.5%), Catalonia (50%), La Rioja (51.5%) and Navarra (52%) impose income add a tax that exceeds half of the income. The Valencian Community is the Spanish region with … Read more

The Government will limit the offers of gas plants and will create two electricity prices

The Ministry of Ecological Transition is finalizing a temporary reform of the electricity market to try to contain the runaway prices of electricity. The measure, announced for this coming Tuesday, will be delayed for several weeks, as the vice-president herself, Teresa Ribera, has recognized, until it manages to pass the examination of the European Commission. … Read more

Elon Musk will launch a humanoid robot next year: people will be able to download their personalities

Artificial Intelligence is already part of the daily lives of millions of people. The fields in which it has been established range from hospitality to medicine. However, science fiction movies will finally become reality: Tesla will manufacture a humanoid robot that can house the personality of its users. “Humanoid robots are already happening,” he explained … Read more

Venezuela, condemned to pay 1,480 million for expropriating Spanish companies

The International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank (ICSID) has condemned Venezuela to pay more than 1,640 million dollars (1,481 million euros) for the expropriations that the Hugo Chávez regime carried out in 2010 on the investments of several Spanish companies in different Venezuelan companies. According to the institution, the actions … Read more

Ethereum could dethrone bitcoin in market value with its latest update

The long-awaited upgrade of Ethereum, the blockchain chain behind ether, could become a reality soon. The purpose of the so-called Merge (“fusion” in English) is to make this technology more scalable, secure and sustainable. This upgrade could turn ether into the largest cryptocurrency by market valueahead of bitcoin. At the moment, the final schedule for … Read more

The Government hopes to make the “Iberian exception” operational to lower energy prices in “3 or 4 weeks”

The third vice-president and minister for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, has indicated that they hope to make operational in “three or four weeks” the “Iberian exception” agreed this Friday by European leaders and which will allow Spain and Portugal to adopt measures to lower energy prices. In this sense, Ribera explained … Read more