Marco Asensio (Palma, 24 years old) he is one of the diamonds of Real Madrid. On July 24, 2019, in an International Champions Cup match, he suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament and external meniscus in his left knee. After months of hell, rehabilitation and surgery, he returned to the pitch (and scored at 25 seconds, against Valencia). Little by little he recovers the sensations and the joy of playing. This was reflected in an interview for Post United made before the Shakhtar debacle.
How do you handle the pressure for everything that is expected of you?
I am very excited about this year, I come from a very difficult one due to the breakage and when you are injured you realize that, on a day-to-day basis, you do not value when you are well. I have worked hard to make this year a good one for me.
Bale has left and no one has come … Do you have Zidane's confidence?
I've always had it. Now we have to demonstrate things on the field and that is my intention, I repeat that I am very excited for this year.
Didn't you really need signings?
There has been a lot of talk about this topic, but I think we have one of the best templates in the world, with a lot of wardrobe depth. We can all play and it is important that we are plugged in, because the calendar will be very demanding.
Can Sevilla and Atleti fight LaLiga?
Yes, Atleti has been fighting for several years and Sevilla has a great coach (Lopetegui) and a great team. They are rivals for LaLiga, without a doubt.
The Champions … Who is the rival to beat? Bayern? Liverpool?
The champion is always the rival to beat. The Champions League is very tough and that gives more value to what we achieved years ago. Every season the teams are more prepared and anyone can stand up to you. It's going to be complicated, but we have the illusion of reaching the end.
Did you come to think, with the injury, that you would not play again?
At first the most important thing is to inform you, I had no idea what I had and I asked a lot to know for sure. Once you get used to the idea, in my case, I became aware and thought 'it will be very suffered, but we have to go back'. And so it was from day one.
What was the worst thing you remember about your injury?
The way from the ambulance to the hospital. I was in a lot of pain, the ambulance was going super fast and there were a lot of potholes. I was on my mobile, talking to the family … It was very complicated.
What do you get positive from that injury?
To value health in general much more, to be able to enjoy football again. It strengthens your mind a lot and you start to take training, preparation more seriously … I think this has had more positive than negative things.
Do you feel stronger than before?
I feel very good. At the end of last season I was still recovering my rhythm, it is complicated and slow, but I have worked very well to feel fast, strong, with that spark that is needed to play at a high level and I am very good.

What a goal for Valencia, 25 seconds after returning to the field …
It was a bit crazy, because I came out right in the corner, there was a rejection and I found the ball … At that moment you remember the 11 months without being able to play and it is an explosion of emotions, of joy, of not being able to almost hold back the tears. I remembered everyone, my family, the doctors … It was super special.
Have you always liked shooting from afar? What kind of player have you been?
Bold, very daring. I have a great hit and I know I have to take advantage of it.
How was the change to number 11?
With the twenty I had completed a stage and I was excited to have a new number. Appeared the eleven, I liked it and I took it. I want to grow up in this club with him.
Is it true that you could go to Barcelona?
Yes, I could, but also to other clubs. There are always great stakeholders who ask about your situation. When I signed for Madrid, everything was very fast, the treatment was spectacular and they showed incredible interest. When that opportunity presents itself (Madrid) it is impossible to say no.
And is it true that Nadal recommended your signing?
So they say! He likes football and Madrid a lot. His uncle was in the sports management of Mallorca, he called and said 'there is a very good boy who has to play for Madrid'. It was me and that's how it started.
Have you gotten to have an important offer from Liverpool?
There are many clubs that have been interested in many moments, but my idea is to continue succeeding in Madrid. I want to stay here.
Besides Zidane … who was your idol as a child?
Raul. He was an example that I like to follow in Madrid for being Spanish, captain, for what he transmitted to the fans beyond the goals … He is a very good example for me for everything he transmitted to the fans.