Antonio Tejado protects himself against the accusation of his aunt, María del Monte: the keys to his statement before the judge

It’s been a month since Antonio Tejado He entered the Seville I prison by court order after being arrested and accused of participating as the intellectual author in the robbery suffered by his aunt, Maria del Monte, last August. This Friday, March 15, Tejado will appear behind closed doors before the judge, after his aunt and his wife did so on February 16, when they stressed to the press that they trusted “Spain’s judicial system.”

María del Monte’s nephew refused to testify at first, but once his defense strategy was established, he requested a voluntary statement before the judge. Of course, with conditions: “He refuses to answer his aunt’s questions”says the magazine Week this Wednesday.

According to the magazine, there are legal sources that have clarified the plan that Tejado is plotting with his lawyer to break his silence. As stated in the aforementioned media, Tejado will defend his innocence but will not answer any questions from the private accusation brought by María del Monte: “He says that he has nothing to do with the crime, that he is calm and assures that there is no recording in which he speaks with those involved”Amor Romeira explained in Fiesta to convey the words of the accused.

The nephew of the singer will have to face the questions that the judge and the prosecutor put on the table, in addition to revealing whether or not he offered information to the five hooded men who carried out the robbery. Likewise, he will have to explain the calls collected in ‘Operation Abgena’, where he contacted her aunt or her partner to find out what they were doing before going to sleep. It should be remembered that a second mobile phone was found at Tejado’s home that he allegedly used to contact the gang responsible for the events.

On María del Monte’s state of health: “She is very worried”

For many years, Antonio Tejado and his aunt were inseparable, although lately they were not going through the best moment of their relationship. They had gone “three years without maintaining contact due to some type of family conflict, This relationship having been resumed very intensely in June 2023, coincidentally, two months before the robbery was carried out.the relationship cooling substantially after the events occurred,” the police case states.

The truth is that María del Monte has experienced one of the most complicated moments of her life. Not only because they raided her house and took almost a million euros in jewelry and several thousand euros in cash, but also because of the alleged involvement of her nephew in the events. A situation that has plunged the singer into sadness, according to her wife, Immaculate Casal: “She is very worried”.
