Justice has dealt a new blow to Abdullah Al Thani. The court of first instance number 12 in Malaga has issued a provisional execution order of the ruling favorable to the BlueBay hotelier for 49 percent of the sheik's actions. This resolution gives BlueBay control of that 49 percent of the slightly more than 97 percent that Al Thani had when this court battle began.
The hotel company already had a sentence in its favor, but that first opinion of the court had been appealed by the defense of Al Thani and was not firm. Several weeks ago, BlueBay requested the provisional execution of said sentence given the tremendous institutional and economic problems that Malaga was going through and now the justice agrees. The shares that Al Thani transferred to Nas Football SL are now registered in the name of Nas Spain 2000 SL, a company of which BlueBay owns 49 percent. Even so, and given the shares that Al Thani has been acquiring in recent years, to this day, the sheik continues to have a shareholding package of more than 50 percent.
According to the judicial order, advanced by South channel and to which Ace has had access, the resolution is firm. The court, in addition, has decreed that the execution of the sentence be registered and the ownership of the BlueBay share package be signed in the Higher Sports Council. Sheik's lawyers have five business days from the notification of this order to file a direct appeal for review.
BlueBay becomes the second most important shareholder of the club as a matter of law and, although its maneuverability in the entity will be greatly diminished for the time being given the current judicial administration of the club, it may be present at the General Shareholders' Meeting initially scheduled for 2 April, but it will very possibly be postponed due to the coronavirus crisis.