The captain of the Spanish Billie Jean King Cup team, Anabel Medina, made it clear that it is “super special and very important” to be able to play the Finals of this competition at home, at the La Cartuja Stadium in Seville, and assured that although already ” “The legs are heavy” because it is the end of the season, they are “motivated and eager to make one last effort.”
“It is super special (to play at home). Since I have been captain we have played about 14 qualifiers and we have only been able to play three at home, this is in the fourth and that is why it is super special to play at home. I always say that in this competition, playing at home or outside, it is very important,” said Anabel Medina at a press conference.
The former Valencian tennis player knows how “nice it is to be at home.” “The entire public is going to be with us and we are going to play in front of our family, our friends, and also of course in front of all of Spain,” she stressed.
“When we played for Spain it was special, but here in the south we have very nice memories. We played in Marbella the qualifying round to be here in Seville, which is incredible and I think one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. We are ready to play, enjoy and give our best,” she added.
Medina sees her players “with a lot of enthusiasm and training very well.” “We know that it is the end of the year and it is a moment in which the legs are already heavy, but the motivation and the desire they have to play make that last effort come out to try to give our best,” he said.
“This competition has shown that on many occasions the ranking is left out and that we have to fight for each point as if it were the last. There are two singles and a doubles in which we have to be very attentive in each one of them,” he added. the captain
For her part, Paula Badosa confessed that she had had “a long journey” to be able to play in Seville after a year marked by physical problems and without being able to compete since Wimbledon. “When I saw that we were playing in Spain it was an extra motivation for me too,” said the Catalan.
“I feel good. I don’t feel pain, so that’s very important. I really want to start here, to play in front of my audience, which I think is something very special too. We’ll see on Wednesday, but I’m really looking forward to it,” he added. the Spanish.

Badosa acknowledged that he has had to learn in this period to have “a lot of patience” and that he missed tennis “a lot.” “I love competing, I love tennis and I was following it in a different way, as you know and that was also very useful,” she remarked.
“Now maybe I see it from another perspective and I see of course that tennis is my life, my passion, but that it is not everything and that is also a little bit what I have learned. I have been doing other things and I think it is nice also getting to know it for myself. It was a trip and a time in which I learned other things and it was pleasant too,” said the Spaniard.
Badosa assured that, although he hasn’t competed for “a while”, he is doing “well on the track.” “I’m looking forward to it because I like to play in teams and seeing them with so much enthusiasm, training with such intensity, it gives me motivation. I learn from each one of them because they have special things that are different from me and that helps me a lot,” he expressed.
Furthermore, the team’s number one will be Sara Sorribes, who did not give too much importance to the surface. “It is true that we like to play on dirt but, despite being a fast track, it is not too fast, it is a playable surface and I think that also helps us. With all the public we hope to go up, enjoy it and compete in it in the best way,” he wished.
“It is a court that adapts very well to both players who like to play more on dirt and hard courts, so we are very comfortable, training very well and with great enthusiasm,” noted Rebeka Masarova, number two theorist. by ranking.
Finally, Cristina Bucsa, debutant, stressed that she feels “very good” because she likes “this type of track a lot.” “I’ve seen my teammates do great and I think the track suits them very well too, so I think we can do very, very well here,” she warned.
“Unity is our strong point and that is what makes us a very good team. We will finish the last days of training with great strength and see what happens on Wednesday,” said the other ‘rookie’ of the team, Marina Bassols.