Ana Obregón maintains that she can prove that her son’s desire was to be a father after death but she does not present a single piece of evidence.

Ana Obregon He made money again this Friday by charging to go to a set to sell his words and his tears. She again maintained that his son’s desire was to be a father after his death but did not present a single proof. She also says that she donated a lot of money but she did not clarify if that was what she publicly committed and nor did she prove anything. The biologist took a step forward after so many months of controversy without having clarified whether she really handed over all the proceeds from the sales of her book, as she had originally said. Or if she has only donated a part, the copyright, but she kept the advance of the book ‘The Shrew Boy’, money that may or may not have been donated to the foundation that bears his son’s name. The presenter collected another check for saying more or less the same thing, resurrecting some fights that no one was talking about anymore, airing the already cloying controversy with the money that she was going to give and does not show that she gave. The biologist also wanted to talk about what her current relationship with Alessandro Lequio, assuming that there is.

The presenter and biologist revealed that little Anita has already said her first word. Looking at the pictures of Aless, which she shows him so he can meet her father, Anita has said the word “dad” on more than one occasion. Filling her heart with joy and love, Ana Obregón was proud to see how the little girl recognized her father and she hopes that her son will witness it from wherever she is. “She is the one who has helped me, and helps me, because I have not overcome the grief of my son” he assured on set.

One of the controversies that have surrounded him since the cover was published announcing that he had been a surrogate mother in Miami is whether Alessandro Lequio would have been aware of the situation and whether he would agree or not with it. She remembered what the last weeks were like in which she did not leave her son, those in which Alessandro asked his sisters to travel to Barcelona so he could be by her side since she feared for her well-being. when her son died.

With her eyes full of tears, visualizing how her son was doing in his last days, she commented how Aless told them her wish: “Look, mommy, dad, if something ever happens to me, I want to leave something of mine in this world. I want you to use the semen.” Since he couldn’t even get out of bed, due to how weak he was, they gave him a pen to sign the holographic will in which he wrote: “In the event of my death, I want and give my parents the right to use this semen so that some son or daughter of mine remains on earth.” This document is taken to the notary and signed by Alessandro and Ana Obregón’s sisters. The truth, as we have been able to verify, is that Aless Lequio designated her ex, Carolina Monje, as the recipient of her samples and she resigned before a notary.

“Of course Lequio wants to see Anita and knows that she is his granddaughter”

He defended that “like when a father dies and you inherit a house. “I have not bought a baby, I have inherited it,” responding to all those who accused him of buying a baby through surrogacy. Returning to Alessandro Lequio’s role in this entire story, Ana Obregón revealed that he was the one who reminded her that he had a mission to fulfill and that this reason for being helped him cope with the death of her son. He remembered: “at that moment he saved my life, because he made me return to reality. Then I opened the door and he didn’t know what I was doing, but I think he sensed it, because that’s why my sisters were there last weeks. He tells me, Ana, you have something very important, you have to fulfill our son’s last wish.

Defending once again the father of his son, he justified himself by saying that “I have learned in this life that I want to accept people as they are. Because if not, you suffer. And I can’t suffer anymore. I can’t. Alessandro is like that.” “He has a family. He has another family who is Anita, who is his granddaughter.” Although he did not want to reveal if they know each other in person, because he wants that privacy to be respected, he ended up saying that “Of course he wants to see her, and he knows she’s his granddaughter, and he’s known from the beginning what I’ve done, and he’s seen photos of her from Miami every month, and that’s how it is, this is how it is.”
