The relationship between Bertin Osborne y Gabriela Guillén captures all eyes. Her physiotherapist went online (she was six months pregnant) and assured that the singer is not worrying about her or her future child. For his part, Bertín has decided to ask her former friend for a paternity test when the baby is born (it is expected to be at the end of 2023). His eldest daughter Alejandra Osbornesupports his father and assures that “anyone would do it.”
The decision to request the paternity test has been motivated by the singer’s daughters, since they would never have seen Gabriela favorably. Something that Alejandra has denied in front of the Europa Press microphones.
“I’m not going to say anything, just don’t come. Seriously, at this early hour of the morning, leaving my house like this and finding this (…). I can’t take it anymore. Besides, it’s to ask me things that are not about me,” the singer’s eldest daughter said, visibly upset.

Regarding Bertín Osborne’s decision to request the DNA test, Alejandra stated: “My father is almost 70 years old, he alone decides what he does with his life. Do you think we are going to tell him something? Do you think we are going to tell him something? “Are we going to tell him what to do?”
In front of the microphones, Bertín’s eldest daughter has acknowledged that she supports her father in his decision to request a DNA test from Gabriela Guillén. “I think anyone would do it, right?” she concluded.