Albert Rivera’s anger after being asked by the actress who eats his ear: “Leave me alone”

The former leader of Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, has already returned to Madrid after a few days off. However, his return has not been without tense moments. Upon arrival at the airport this Sunday, Malú’s ex He was annoyed when his colleagues in the press asked him about his photos with the Catalan actress Aysha Daraaui. She ate his ear during her vacation with other friends in Ibiza.

“Again bothering people, really? (…) I never speak,” he snapped. The lawyer has become annoyed: “Yes, I understand your work, but the right to privacy belongs to all Spaniards, not just a few. The right to image as well, but it is your work and it is my right like that of any another Spaniard. I only ask that you leave me alone like any other Spaniard, neither more nor less”.

Albert also asked for respect for his family and for the people who are part of his circle: “I respect your work a lot, but respect my life, my family and my people like any other Spanish citizen, neither more nor less. I don’t want to be neither more nor less than anyone else. I have never sold my life, I have never had a bad word, nor am I going to do it now no matter how much they violate my privacy and my rights”.

The photos of the former politician with the actress came after the break between him and Malú was confirmed at the end of June. “I am the way I am and I am who I am because of all my great mistakes and great successes throughout my life. Without a doubt, my ‘great battle’ has been to be at peace with myself,” said the interpreter of black and white in their first interview after confirming the breakup. The interview was about music because of his concert at Starlite Marbella, although his words were interpreted with a double meaning. Together they have the little one Lucywho was born in June 2020.