The Queen Letizia kicks off its activities for the month of November with a visit to the Navarran town of Tudela on the 2nd to honor Pilar Miro at the 22nd edition of the Ópera Prima Film Festival. Last October 19th marked the 25th anniversary of the death of the admired former director of RTVE.
This is the second year in a row that the Queen has attended this festival. On this occasion she will see the film of The Dog in the Gardener at the Moncayo Cinema, along with some students from schools in the area.

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The trip to Tudela comes after the consort has taken a few days off to celebrate the 17th birthday of her daughter, Princess Leonor, on Monday. They celebrate it together and in privacy, recovering strength after the Princess of Asturias Awards, which were marked by gastroenteritis of Leonor and the infanta Sofía. In this way, the Queen of Spain takes the bridge to be able to spend time with her daughters, taking advantage of the school holidays of the heiress to the throne.

The tribute act will revolve around the figure of Pilar Miró, also the protagonist of the image of the festival. The cinematographic event, which takes place between October 28 and November 5, has 7 films in competition, a series of previous acts and the screening of the closing film Emiliafrom Tudelano Miguel Angel Calvo Buttini.
Letizia attends only the director’s tribute and the screening of one of her most emblematic films and for which she won a Goya. During the day of tribute to Miró, the film will also be screened The petition in a session open to the public to which the monarch is no longer expected to attend.
The mother of Leonor and Sofía will not be very calm after the film session either, since the day after visiting Tudela, on November 3, she will join Felipe IV at the lunch that they will offer at the Royal Palace of Madrid to the president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitezand his wife, the first lady, Silvana Lopez Moreira.

The filmmaker friend of the emeritus
The former director of TVE is also remembered as the director of the weddings of the infantas Elena y Cristina on television broadcast. Precisely, the author died on October 19, 1997, just a few days after the television link between Urdangarin and Christina. Many were the voices that then attributed the death of the filmmaker to stress and responsibility in the face of that important royal commission.
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Pilar Miró’s relationship with the king’s family went far beyond the technical direction of Elena and Cristina’s weddings. Few remember that she was a classmate at the Law School of Juan Carlos I.

The friendship was maintained beyond his death through Zarzuela’s relationship with Miró’s son, Gonzalo. In 2003, the then Kings and Prince Felipe attended the young man’s proposal party with actress Natalia Verbeke.