A lawsuit is being prepared by the family the a student who was killed at NSU. They believe that their son’s death may have been avoided.

A lawsuit is being prepared by the family the a student who was killed at NSU. They believe that their son’s death may have been avoided.

THE TEXAS CITY OF HOUSTON A law company that is representing the loved ones of a student who was killed at NSU is beginning the process of preparing a lawsuit charging the institution, the football coach, and a number of other individuals of doing nothing to prevent the death of their client’s son.

Blanche Caldwell, Ronnie Caldwell Jr.’s mother, stated on Friday during a press conference held at the law office of the family’s attorney that her son’s passing was “senseless and preventable.”

Ronnie Caldwell Sr. believes that his son’s passing may have been avoided. He recalls receiving a phone from his son begging for assistance, followed by a call from his daughter three days later informing him that his son had passed away. In the interim, Caldwell Sr. believed that the concerns raised by his son were being addressed.

It was said by Caldwell Sr. that there was absolutely no action taken. NSU made the announcement on Thursday that the remainder of the 2013 Demon football season would not be played and that coach Brad Laird would step down from his position.

On October 12, Ronnie Caldwell Jr., age 21, was found dead in his home at the Quad Apartments, a facility located off-campus and just across the interstate from Western State University.

No one was ever charged in connection with his death; nevertheless, two individuals, one of whom was identified by the Natchitoches police as being Caldwell Jr.’s teammate, and the other of whom was a roommate, have been arrested on charges related to guns and drugs.

“As we recuperate from the process of putting our darling Ronnie to rest over the last weekend, our Caldwell family is inconsolable. Ronnie was our patriarch.

We ask that you please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we move forward in the wake of this tragedy and adjust to a life in which we will no longer have our cherished boy.

We would like to give some background information on the circumstances that led up to the final days of Ronnie’s life and what we believe to be the cause of Northwestern State University Head Football Coach Brad Laird’s departure from his position at the university.

“Because there was mold in Ronnie’s apartment at The Quad Apartment Complex, he had to be moved out of his former apartment and into a new one inside the same complex. This meant that he had to say goodbye to his original football buddy and roommate.

Campus Advantage, which has its headquarters in Austin, Texas, is the entity that owns and manages the Quad Apartments.

Ronnie ended up having a new roommate who was not a university or college student at all. This new roommate was assigned to him in some mysterious way. Additionally, he had a history of encounters with the law authorities.

After further investigation, it was determined that the new roommate was in possession of firearms and drugs at the time of his arrest.

On February 8, cops from College Station entered Mark Hopkins’ residence and fatally shot him. Hopkins was 22 years old. “College Station PD employees proceeded to conduct a full-scale military weapons assault against the off-campus housing around 6:00 am in the morning, which was a time when it was anticipated that the residents would likely be sleeping.”

According to the court records that were submitted this week by counsel for Hopkins’ family, the people who participated in the raid used a flash-bang device as part part of their entry and attack.

“They did not hear any knocking as well as attempts by the raid ers to identify themselves as police officers while the commotion was going on,” she said. “During the commotion, they did not hear any of these things.”

Instead, they thought that someone had broken into the house, according to the attorneys’ statements in the court records.

After grabbing his shotgun, Hopkins instructed his girlfriend, Alyssa Wilson, to contact the authorities. As College Station PD officers forced their way into the bedroom, they found Wilson cowering in the closet.

“Alyssa then saw instantaneous shots & witnessed Mark drop to his death after he got hit multiple times by gunfire,” according to the attorneys.

During a press conference held on the day of the shooting, College Station Police Chief Billy Couch stated that Hopkins had fired his gun at officers first, which prompted cops to return fire and ultimately take his life.

However, attorneys for the Hopkins family stated in court documents that “despite months of requests by Mark’s parents, Cynthia Hopkins and Geoffrey Hopkins, College Station PD has only had been willing to provide them and their family abbreviated and highly edited body camera footage showing the warrant execution that led to Mark’s death.”

Mark Hopkins passed away as a result of the execution of the warrant. Cynthia Hopkins and Geoffrey Hopkins are Mark’s parents.