Eraso: “Playing promotion play-offs is a golden opportunity”

Javier Eraso (Pamplona, ​​31 years old) speaks and not only words come out of his mouth. Also sincerity poured out. So much so that sometimes thoughts run over his verb and he is hampered by the need to say what his mind dictates before his lips allow him. Stunned speech, but also honest. Plagued with swear words. The 'fuck', 'host' and 'I shit in ten' truffle illusion reflections also overflowing. Javi is clear: “Leganés is going to go up to First … shit in ten … of course!”.

Leganés Shield / Flag

Will Leganés go up to First?

Yes. I… shit in ten… I thought about it for a long time and yes… I have many illusions. Fuck… see Leganés in First again… last year we suffered a lot. Inside it was tremendous. And on the outside, I imagine that also: bad year, from the beginning in decline. You lose and you lose … that wears out. But then we made the comeback and it went away by one point. Fuck … paddle and die on the shore … not having that candy, you don't know how hard it was …

Is that still going on?

Yes and no … People have become excited again, inside we have become excited. There is a good group, people come who are on loan, who are contributing a lot. They are also committed because if it goes up, it changes their life. There are people who sign 2-3 years of contract. That is the host. I trust, yes… I trust that this year will be Leganés. Now people are a bit like that, but you go up and people are already starting to talk about a historic year. It is an opportunity that we must, together, push in the same direction and take advantage of it. I trust, yes …

You who are sincere, how is Leganés doing?

From the inside I see it well. We have taken a dynamic a bit that the team looks good on the field. Of course, we have had setbacks and everything is valued more by the result.

An example, please …

Against Espanyol, a good game was played, but it was lost. Against Ponfe a good game was played, but it was tied. We were lucky to beat Alcorcón and then it seemed that everything was going: “Damn, they win again …” and again we stumbled, in quotes, against Sporting.

Why in quotes?

Because against Sporting, for those of us who like football, it was a good game. We did not have freshness at the top, nor did we link plays up, but we are talking about Sporting, who are fifth… and we are fourth. And we dominate them quite a bit. Now, in addition, the rivals who come to Butarque and get a point, see it as something very good. It's a bit difficult for us in attack, but we've gotten a good streak of play. I see a tough Leganés, which is hard to beat us. I want to keep that streak going. We have many options to go up if we make the play-off.

Yes, but around the team there is pessimism: that if it has not been promoted directly, that if due to budget it should have been raised like Espanyol or Mallorca …

It's clear, it's clear … and we too feel sorry for it. We are sad that we did not fight a little more in those two little positions higher. Throughout the year, also with Martí, we have had those options of going upstairs … and there came a point where we almost had it … and we played. We have had two or three of those that we have not been able to be regular. We know that others are doing a better season.

What has been missing?

We have lacked, when we could not win, draw … Because it happened to us that we were close to winning … and we lost. And that's how they start to get points … and no matter how much you get half hooked, you go down … you get hooked … you go down … In the end that for the head is hard.

So he admits that it could have been higher …

Well, people thought we were going to have been in the top two on the street. But that is difficult. For those of us inside … damn … we celebrate each victory because we know that it is hard for any team to win here. They get the hang of you, they know how to cover you up and they make games hard for you. We have to do it to tough opponents and reach the play-off with people in good physical shape. Let people be calm. We are a team that will present our strong candidacy in the play-off.

Many believe that without Espanyol, this Lega would be fighting for direct promotion …

Yes, it is true … there came a time that Espanyol had a bad streak, and even placed second with Almería close by … it may be that Almería happened like us, that at the right moment, just, for one thing or for another, we back off. Well, we have failed, let's be clear.

It is also true that this Espanyol has been historic.

They have a streak of two-three months that do not win … they sweep. They score 2-3 goals per game. It has enormous merit. They will celebrate like crazy. They have earned it. And the rest, to continue working and suffering, that we have something else left.

“People thought we were going to have been in the top two on the street. But that's difficult. For those of us inside … fuck … we celebrate every victory”

Javier Eraso, CD Leganés player

You were already in a promotion via play-off of Leganés: from Second B to Second in 2014. Has the scene changed a lot since then?

Man, the obvious one is that there were fewer people around. Less fans … but then I sensed that everything was lived with great enthusiasm: “Damn! We qualified for the play-off as seconds. Damn what joy! Shit in ten! Of course you can!”

And that the previous year had failed with the Alfaro project.

Yes, but people were super excited. If 1,000 people went to Butarque in the league, the stadium was almost full in the play-off. There was an illusion of milk … now people saw it differently. They thought that … Joe, keeping a good part of the Primera squad, they thought we were going up the street. It has not been like that … there is a certain pessimism, as you said.

Will that change?

When these five games are over and we get into the play-offs, which I think we'll get into, I think this city is going to be excited. And he's going to say: “Shit ten! Yes, there are three or four games left that we can do!”

The group regarding that promotion is also different. The current squad is filled with former First Division and that one was a very rookie.

Man, what did we have good then: that we were a group of kids. Joer … getting out of Second B costs, it's a big change. The illusion was through the roof. Now people know that they have more games in the First Division. There are people who have been a thousand years in First and none in Second. Now what people should know is that, between First and Second there is a lot of difference.

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Eraso poses in the ID Butarque for AS.

And do they know?

Many people who are now in the Lega, maybe we will no longer have that chance to play in the First Division. So, it should be known that it is a golden opportunity. We have not achieved it by way of direct promotion. Voucher. But let's try it in another way. That people are already plugged in from now on. I really value being in First. And for my part, it will not be. I will try to the end. The group is committed.

It must be difficult to manage such a large group with so much experience …

Yes, logically. From the beginning we have been loads of players. Lots of staff. The Covid issue … yes … but for me personally, a staff like ours is very, very large.

Has there been a lot of fuss about that?

People who used to play do not play. Super important people from last year go to play zero minutes … it is difficult to take that. And despite everything, I think the balance has been good. People have respected enough. There is a good group and I hope to go up this year, because perhaps the next one may be much more difficult.

“Loans are committed because if they go up, their lives change. There are people who sign 2-3 years of contract. That's the host. I trust, yes, that this year will be Leganés.”

Javier Eraso, CD Leganés player

Garitano's return has changed your life …

It is what a coach has to know you, who knows what you can give and what you can't. What I'm gonna say? I've known him for a long time. He arrived, began to change the drawing to play with one more in the middle. I was super favored. There are people who have cost him, who have gone to the background.

Like you at the beginning …

From August to January. Soccer is like that. Football and life. One comes and tells you, I'm not counting on you … because in bad times you have to endure, have patience and now when the good comes, enjoy it.

Are you untouchable?

No, no, not at all … really … it may seem like it, but I think there are very good people. People of this squad who can be in any Second team or First squads and who are not playing. And you say … shit in ten … as the fool does and does not fight the one who is outside may be better than you. I don't consider myself untouchable. I am sure that those who are out now will enter and I will leave. This is so. Me, with the team, to the death. To 100%. You already know me. I am so.

It is true that lately he has been struggling in the face of goal …


Why are you laughing?

Joer … why am I laughing … well because yes, because in the end I'm having my chances and for one thing or another, they are not entering. I'd like to break that ice. In the end, for oneself, for myself and my peace of mind. To say: “Well … I've already scored a goal. Come on. I take off that weight. Now let's see what happens” …

He takes it in a good tone …

But it is hard. It's hard. People do not know the rod that puts me. Sometimes it is hard to bear it … You are playing, you have not scored a goal, and you know that you have to contribute more. You have to know how to carry it. Don't go crazy. Be there. Thinking that the least expected day can enter you. I say: “I'll pass it to you, you guys put it in and I'm just as happy.”

Who gets the hell out of it? Social networks?

No, no … I don't have. Caña I say those of my team. I do not want to read what is said out there. They will give birth to me… No, that doesn't matter to me. The team say to me: “Get up. Let's see when you put one in …” You have to take it. It is done. The day I come in, well … they'll laugh and that's it …

“People do not know the cane that puts me. Sometimes it is hard to bear it … You are playing, you have not scored a goal, and you know that you have to contribute more. You have to know how to carry it. Do not go crazy.”

Javier Eraso, CD Leganés player

Is it true that in January he was able to leave?

Let's see, I was a candidate to leave. But not because I wanted to, but because they put me on the starting ramp, speaking like that … Who were the ones who played the least? Ojeda, Miguel, I… Well, those names sound like one. The coach did not count on me … because you are the main candidate to leave so that another one of the coach's taste can come. Yes … there was the ramp …

And why didn't he leave?

It was clear to me that I wanted to stay. Even if Martí continued … or if someone else came. I wanted to end the year here. I trusted and I trust this team. We have a good team to go up and see next year. Circumstances and Asier's return have turned the tables… but I wanted to stay here.

If there is promotion, will it continue?

Let's see, I have a contract. Look, last year, when we were going bad, I said so. I said that Leganés, and I repeat it, is like my home. As long as they love me, I'm delighted here. We do not go up: I will be 99% here next year. Unless they tell me they don't want to count on me.

How important is the Rayo game?

It is super important. And yes, okay, there are points at stake. But I go further. He is a play-off rival. You can measure yourself to them. You have to, damn … show your weapons and make it clear that we are a better team. It is a milk opportunity. Three points that, if you win, you are almost classified, but also, you have to see it as a first leg play-off game: show confidence, good image, good result … It's a good way of saying: “Wow! Leganés I mean it!”.

“The Rayo game is fundamental. To show security, a good image, a good result … It's a good way of saying: Wow! Leganés is serious!”

Javier Eraso, CD Leganés player

What do you think of Iraola? Did you coincide with him at Athletic?

Yes Yes. I was in B. And you went up and you could see that he was a super smart guy. But you saw how he played, and that intelligence was also on the field. Maybe it was not very fast, but it belongs to these Xavi or Iniesta type people, who knew what to do and did not lose the ball, or the place … nothing.

As a coach he is doing well.

Joer… Since he became coach he has had very good results. Mirandés, campañón. Lightning… for me he's doing well too. He has a play-off point with a team that initially was not among the fat, neither in budget, nor in squad … you have the three recently released, Almería, another that is hooked … but Rayo is there. Your campaign is being very good.

You are two games away from 350 as a professional …

Ah… well, I didn't know. Really. These things I do not know … when you publish it, I see it. But I don't even know how many games I've played in First, Second, or Leganés, or Athletic …


Yes, yes … Besides, now with the girl I come home and totally disconnect. When you get any news of these is when I say: “Oysters! Shit in ten! Not bad …”

Are you more from Athletic or from Leganés?

For now I have more campaigns in Athletic. Let's say I have Athletic first, and Lega second… They are both different things. Athletic raised me. As a footballer, as a staff … and Leganés has given me the opportunity that has changed my life. From being in Second B, to then Second and from there to First… I won't even tell you. To me, with the Leganés, has touched the Gordo to me. I feel at home, I feel the respect of the people. I feel privileged.

He is now one of the four captains, how is he doing?

Well, in the end the seriousness is put by Pichu, Bus and Rubén Pérez. They are more established in the role of captain. I put more cane … I'm like the good cop … and they are the bad cop. I am learning from all of these. I don't know if it will touch me … but if it touches me, then I'll try to do it like them. I don't like that role at the moment.