If the fans of Rayo are characterized by something, it is their solidarity. It showed it in the worst moments of the pandemic and it will continue to show it as long as its effects prevent some of its neighbors from having something to eat this Christmas. Rayismo, through the ADRV Platform, has mobilized to collect 10,000 kilos of food, one for each meter that makes up the traditional San Silvestre Vallecana.

All those who want to participate have two ways to do so. The franjirroja fans will enable this Friday – in the afternoon, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – and Saturday – in the morning, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. various collection points: Mercadona Albufera Plaza, Alcampo and the esplanade of the Numancia Market (Josefa Díaz street), but this last location only on Saturday. For those who cannot move, too You can help by making a donation to row 0 which are detailed below: ES88 0073 0100 5005 0554 5223.
“Whenever we have been united we have shown that we are capable of incredible things. We did it at the beginning of the pandemic, when We managed to raise more than 50,000 euros and get medical supplies to our hospitals even before the institutions. And we are going to do it again, organizing the largest collection of food that our streets have seen, at the time that they have needed it most, “they stated in a statement.
This is our San Silvestre, that of rayismo, that of Vallekas.
This year we change sports for solidarity.
Once again, only the people save the people. pic.twitter.com/hp4sVgDGG8– ADRV Platform (@plataformaADRV) December 3, 2020
This year some streets of Vallecas will be orphaned from San Silvestre (the route will be modified, passing through the Ensanche), but With this action the neighbors will turn to the most disadvantaged households to have help. Several of the Rayo captains have already joined this solidarity current, as is the case of Mario Suarez (“I also join. As always, Vallekas helping and taking care of his people”) and Oscar Trejo (“Another great initiative that shows how great they are”).
The Sansilvestriña will not be missing either
This year could not miss the Sansilvestriña, organized by the Stride Athletics Club. The race will have to be reinvented due to the pandemic, becoming virtual, so that Runners Magicians They can run around the place and on the day they want. 2020 will change its format, but not its spirit. The one who pursues what no child is left without toys this Christmas. As in past editions, runners between 3 and 15 years old may participate, although those under 3 and those over 15 may help as pages.
Registration is now open (http://atletismo-zancadas.es/sansilvestrina/). Once the process is complete, the organization will send their corresponding number to each participant, in addition to the instructions to proceed with the delivery of toys, new or in perfect condition, to Somos Tribu VK until December 26. It is important that in a year as complicated as this one, all children can have a toy and a smile.