Trincao: “I like to play more on the right”

Francisco Trincao, 20 years old, gave the official media of Barça his first interview as an official player of the azulgran cluband after finishing the season at Sporting de Braga. Until now, although its transfer by 31 million euros had already closed before the closing of the winter market, he had played for the Portuguese club. At the moment, Trincao will do the preseason with the first team. When Barça knows how its squad is configured, it will be decided whether it will be loaned or, if it can transfer Dembélé and Coutinho and not sign Neymar, it will continue at Barça. These were his impressions to the club's official media.

Your transfer: “It is a pride for me and I am very happy. A very important step for me. I did not imagine. I knew I had qualities but I didn't think how young I could achieve something like this. I didn't know what to say (when he signed). Now people look a little more at what I do but I don't care “

Has anything changed since your signing? “I do the same thing. I work to be better every day and it's something that comes with work. (Griezmann) sent me a message in Portuguese: come on crack. I'm talking to Semedo and he's a help

The new normal: “Football is difficult without fans but it is a new reality and you have to adapt, live with it. I don't like it but it has to be that way for the moment”

Confinement: “I was with Abel (Ruiz, former Barça youth player) and it was somewhat easier. He told me about the club, the city, he told me it's the best club in the world and be myself. “

Language: “Since January I have Spanish classes and I try to improve with Abel. I started in January. Catalan, too. Although a few little things at the moment: Fins Aviat, Adeu …

Self-critical: “I watch my games, I see what I did well and what I did wrong. I myself am my reference. I think I am mentally strong.

Ideal position: “I like to play more on the right, but I do what the coach tells me. I want to help.”

Goals next year: “Play the maximum of matches and conquer everything”.