There is something beyond the positive cases of Covid-19 from Fuenlabrada. These are the conditions that the expedition, players and other staff are enduring in their confinement at the Finisterre hotel in A Coruña. Until this Saturday, the sixth day of their stay, they have not received a new towel and a gel. The previous days, the players had not received any hygiene materials. What's more, until this Saturday, the Fuenlabrada players had not even had their sheets changed. The club assures in a statement that the treatment they receive from the hotel is exquisite.
A fact is eloquent. In the images collected by the different televisions and graphic media that cover the matter, they have even been able to see images of rooms whose windows are hung with underwear and club clothes laid to dry after being washed with the first toiletry bag the players received.
The Fuenlabrada expedition understands certain conditions of isolation, but it is strange that in five days not even a set of sheets could be changed. They do not believe that this is the case in hospitals and, in the special circumstances in which they are, they consider that the most important thing is hygiene and health measures.
Another issue is that of food. The expedition is not satisfied with it. Sometimes they find it insufficient beyond the warmd. But what is most surprising is that in no case has it been taken into account which cases were positive, which cases were not, and what were the symptoms they presented to discriminate food.
The Fuenlabrada players are checking with strangeness how this reality is not being explained in the media when it comes to a matter of basic necessity. And, beyond the fact that he is already beginning to think about the multiplication of cases after days in which some of the players who have tested positive have tested negative, and that even players who have presented improvements have suffered relapses, They believe it necessary to start looking at them as victims of the situation and not as responsible for something that is not clear.
The club, on the other hand, offers a different version of the matter. In a statement it says: “From CF Fuenlabrada we can only show appreciation to @HotelFinisterre for their exquisite treatment and for being attentive to our needs at all times.” And adds:“1] They are in constant contact with us to find out our needs. 2] We have been offered a change of sheets. 3] A member of the expedition asked for detergent and they gave a bag to all the members. 4] The food is abundant and of quality “.