Granada gives four options to compensate its subscribers

Granada has offered its subscribers four different measures, among which they will have to choose one, to compensate them for having to play the remaining matches of LaLiga Santander at the Estadio Nuevo Los Cármenes behind closed doors due to the current situation experienced by COVID-19.

The rojiblanco club has calculated that the proportional amount of the card that the subscribers will not be able to take advantage of having to still play behind closed doors at the Granada stadium six games this season is 28 percent.

The first compensatory option is to discount that 28 percent of the subscription for the next season, while subscribers are also given the opportunity to receive that amount in the next few days by means of a bank transfer.

The third possibility offered to the subscriber is to receive a discount voucher worth 38 percent of the price paid for his subscription for the current season 19-20, which is ten percent more than what would correspond to his compensation, to spend on the club store until the end of the year.

The fourth and last option is that the subscriber renounce the financial compensation that would correspond to him, a possibility that Granada has offered by “having knowledge of the will of subscribers” to carry it out, the club explained in a note.

“In these delicate moments, the club wants to thank and reward this great gesture with those who finally opt for this option,” said Granada, adding that “it will work” to provide added value to subscribers who opt for resigning. to compensation.

The Granada will launch a platform next Monday, which will be operational for fifteen days, so that each subscriber makes known the option chosen.

The entity clarified that “after that period has elapsed without the subscriber having ruled on the different options provided, either through the private subscriber area or in person for those groups thus provided, it will be understood that he waives them, benefiting himself of the club the full amount of the subscription “.

Granada has also foreseen the possibility that this same season some matches may be played with the presence of the public in its stadium, so it announced that, in this case, “the sale of tickets will be carried out preferentially for subscribers, prioritizing those they've given up their compensation. ”