The Galician manager, who agreed to the position in 2005, has communicated to the Executive his will to continue until 2029
The president of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), Alejandro Blanco, will opt at the end of May to his fifth re -election in the position he accessed in 2005, and who aspires to renew up to one year after the Los Angeles Games 2028.
Alejandro Blanco, 74, reported this decision on Tuesday at the meeting of the Executive Committee, after initiating a round of consultations among the members of the General Assembly of the highest national Olympic body and with the presidents of the different Spanish Sports Federations.
Blanco first assumed the presidency of the COE in September 2005 by winning the Olympic Hockey champion grass at the Barcelona ’92 Mercedes Coghen Games, for 101 to 84 votes, and took the witness of José María Echevarría.
Subsequently, Blanco has linked five mandates in front of the agency, in which this 2025 turns 20 as president, after winning in the elections of 2009, 2013, 2017 and 2021 with more than 90 percent -93.3; 91,1; 97.6, and 95.7, respectively- support of the Assembly.
In 2021, he assumed the current legislature in an election in which no other candidate was presented, and in which the objective of overcoming the ‘crystal ceiling’ of the 22 medals of Barcelona’92 was marked in the Paris 2024 games 2024 .
The electoral process for the next term will begin in March. Among other recognitions, Blanco has been decorated with the gold medal of the Royal Order of Sports Merit, awarded by the Superior Sports Council (CSD), as well as with the Olympic Order of the International Olympic Committee (COI).