The most difficult days of his life have passed, next to his daughter Alma, who had to be urgently admitted on January 10 at the Maternal Child Hospital of Gran Canaria. The girl, just two months, is already at home, after being in the UMI and finally her parents, Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez, are already somewhat calmer. At least in this matter.
On January 27 they went home and from there Anabel wanted to thank everyone, friends, family and media for the love they have received. “We have just got home, with our little girlwe really wanted to really appreciate everything we have felt, from your part towards her. Your prayers, concern and affection. She will know when she is older, everything we have lived with 50 days has been impressive. Life hits you with something so hard that sadly you realize the gilipolleces for which we lose time or do not live, when the only thing that matters is to have health and live. If you allow me advice, live, enjoy yours, give you hugs, kisses and tell you I love you! Thank the media, programs, colleagues, friends and not friends for dealing with the subject with very absolute respect for our baby. Now we have to live again, because 18 days ago we were born again. Thank you infinite to our family and friends, who did not leave us a single day to support (we will not have life to pay you everything they did). “

In the courts of Gran Canaria
But Anabel and David have to fight another battle that no one has spoken for now. Isabel Pantoja’s niece and her boyfriend attended the courts of Gran Canaria a few days ago: in fact, it was the first day they left the hospital, after the improvement of soul. And so far no one has known the reason. First they speculated with a demand for something that would not have liked them but it is not. As informal has been able to know the reason is another. Anabel and David have been summoned in court for an issue related to her daughter. In his case, the hospital, taking into account the symptoms and how small the baby was when he entered, has had to give part to the courts to investigate the facts. Something that is usually done in a regular basis in these cases, but for them it has been another stone on the road. As this media has learned, Anabel and David received the news as a jug of cold water because this came to add to the situation that her little girl lived. A few days ago they went to declare and the process continues its course.
During all this time, Anabel and David have received the support from their whole family and their most intimate friends. As soon as the situation of the little soul, Isabel Pantoja took a regular flight that took her to the Canary Islands, where she spent more than five days, in which she did not move on the side of her niece. His cousins Isa and Kiko did the same. None of them coincided with their mother, but they did among them, at the time they took the opportunity to merge into an affectionate hug, after years distanced. They did the same countless friends, such as Belén Esteban or Raquel Bollo, gestures that influence and physiotherapist have infinitely thanked. Now everything recovers normality, enjoy your little girl again and expect everything to be resolved in the best possible way.