Genoveva Casanova relaxes and loses her hair at a wedding after her million-dollar lawsuit against Lecturas and Luis Pliego

More than seven months have passed since the images that revolutionized the social and royal chronicle were published: we are talking about those of Genoveva Casanova and Federico of Denmark, together, walking through Madrid. The Mexican maintained from the first moment that she opened the doors of her house to him, at night, as friends; while the then prince traveled to the Spanish capital without notifying the security of his country and that of Spain, endangering his own institution. After the media hurricane, a few days ago Beatriz Cortázar advanced the lawsuit that Cayetano Martínez de Irujo’s ex has filed against Readingsthe magazine that published the photos, and Luis Pliego, the director of the weekly.

In the middle of this context, we have learned about one of the plans that Genoveva Casanova has recently enjoyed. Luis and Amina’s mother was at the wedding of some good friends this weekend. For the occasion, she opted for a white dress with a blue floral print, which she accompanied with a matching shawl and a smile with which she tried to camouflage the emotional ups and downs that she has experienced in recent months as a result of her images with her husband. Mary Donaldson.

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The wedding that Genoveva (Genivi, as some of her close friends call her) attended was not held in Spain, but in Florence, specifically in the beautiful gardens of Villa Palmieri. It has been one of the few social events that Casanova has attended since the media hurricane broke out. And the first that has been recorded. Yes we saw her when she went to the recordings of The challenge (Antena 3 program for which she signed up as reported by this portal), although showing a very nervous and disconcerting attitude that achieved the opposite of what she apparently intended: to go unnoticed.

As we have said in previous lines, Genoveva’s social reappearance has come after the lawsuit she filed against Readings. This is a lawsuit of more than 400 pages against the magazine that published the famous cover to compensate for the alleged suffering caused by speculation about the true nature of her relationship with Frederick, king of Denmark since January after the queen’s abdication. Daisy flower. Sources of all solvency reveal to Informalia that the lawsuit is also addressed to the director of said medium, Luis Pliego. The former favorite daughter-in-law of the deceased and dearly loved Duchess of Alba requests one million euros to repair the damage caused: “Genoveva is very dedicated to the lawsuit and supported by Cayetano,” Cortázar said.
