a million-dollar macro lawsuit against the media

The tonadillera has a plan. At 67 years old and immersed in a musical tour to celebrate her five decades on stage and settle her debts to the Treasury once and for all, Isabel Pantoja He wants to ensure a good retirement and enjoy the final stretch of his life without any problems. For this reason, and according to Antonio Rossi, both she and her advisors have designed a strategy that involves filing a macro-lawsuit against the media.

“He has in mind to make a macro-demand to all the chains and, if he makes money, he leaves”the journalist has assured in We’ll see. He also states that Isabel Pantoja’s entourage has wanted to isolate her since she had the confrontation with her son Kiko Rivera in the hospital and that for this reason the singer does not even have her own mobile phone: “If you want to get in touch with her, you must do it through Agustín. It’s the way to prevent her from having a temper and coming in on the phone or answering on the street or something”. The objective? Complete five years completely away from the press and focused solely on her artistic side, so that, in the event of filing a lawsuit and fighting in court for her privacy, she can argue that she has spent years without participating in them in any way. : “If you’re isolated and you’re like that for five years, you get people to focus on you as an artist and people say that you’ve withdrawn from the media.”

The plan is, to say the least, risky. And lonely. Because part of this isolation involves distancing himself from his children and also from Mariló de la Rubia, with whom he had a friendship that seems to have come to a standstill. The doctor from Córdoba has not accompanied Isabel on the last two appointments of her Spanish tour, citing health and scheduling problems, but they assure that the reason is quite different: Agustín, dissatisfied with the media attention generated by the friendship between his sister and Mariló, said ‘enough’.
