Pinocchio desperately claims Bernardo's last name and sues Anabel: “I have the support of one of the Pantojas”

Pinocchiowho claims to be the son of Bernardo Pantoja, has taken a step forward: he has already filed his lawsuit against Anabel Pantojahis alleged sister, to claim his last name, the surname Pantoja.

Week He interviews her this Wednesday and announces that the nephew will have to undergo DNA tests. If he refuses to do so, Luis Manuel Vicente Rico (Pinocchio's real name) will automatically be recognized as his brother before the Court (according to the plaintiff's legal team). “Bernardo considered me his son, there is an audio and it is unequivocal. What I want is for the truth to be proven. The last name thing is not what matters most to me”says Pinocchio, who claims to have a biological test that matches more than 99%.

About a year ago, Pinocchio sent a burofax to Anabel so that the whole family name mess could be resolved amicably. However, he ended up turning to the law firm of Fernando Osuna, the lawyer who has tried other cases related to the paternity of celebrities, such as that of Javier Sánchez Santos, whom Justice does not agree with and for the moment has not been determined as son of Julio Iglesias.

About Anabel, Pinocchio himself says: “I had conversations with her via WhatsApp. She doesn't want to recognize me as a brother and she's going to put all the obstacles she can. She's not going to show up to take the tests and she's not going to make things easier. It hurts me, but if she doesn't want to have a relationship with me, I'll have to accept it.”. And she finishes by opening a whole melon: “I have the support of one of the most important family members, but I am not going to reveal who it is because we have a pact of silence. Sooner or later it will be known. because he supports me and encourages me to legally do what I must. “People would be very surprised if I said who Anabel is, above all.”.

The war is served and, although he does not give names, about Kiko Rivera he says: “Kiko and I have decided to conduct our conversations discreetly, but he would be delighted to recognize me and welcome me as a cousin”. Pinocchio is ready to take the bull by the horns and about the rest of the family who is not on his side, he says: “I know they won't love me because they have been together all their lives and can't even see each other. But I had the support of Bernardo and now that of one of the most influential members of the family.”.

Fernando Osuna, for his part, has also explained to said weekly: “The judge asks for an indication by which the paternal-filial relationship can be established in order to request the DNA test and Bernardo recognized Luis as his legitimate son, which is a definitive proof. In addition, there are photographs and videos of Luis and Bernardo together that demonstrate the close relationship they had. The lawsuit is filed against Anabel as the closest relative, since the father has died. So the judge will summon her to appear. perform some DNA tests.”

Pinocchio maintains that Isabel Pantoja's brother, before dying in November 2022, asked him to fight for his surname. The lawyer puts Kiko Rivera and Isa Pi's cousin on the ropes: “If Anabel does not want to take the test, the law sanctions her and her refusal would be considered valid, taking into account the other indications and evidence, which are overwhelming. , and she would automatically become Luis's sister.”
