Marina Castaño shoots Camilo José Cela’s son and denies having inherited a pasture: “There was nothing, only peanuts”

Camilo José Celawho died on January 17, 2002 at the age of 85, shared the last seventeen years of his life with the journalist Marina Castano, who was 42 years older. In his conversation with Risto Mejide, who knows a bit about age differences, talked about how he met the Nobel Prize in Literature and his seduction techniques. She also threw a dart at the writer’s son, with whom her father and she did not have a good relationship and with whom she had clashes over the inheritance.

“I met him when I was 26 and he was 68. That catches your attention, doesn’t it?” Castaño asked Risto. in the middle of his conversation. “Not to me, but to many people,” he replied. “If we were so united it is because we found the natural things in life natural, the attraction between a man and a woman does not have to be old“she added.

In this sense, he also revealed the seduction techniques used by him. They met on a work trip, in which she was invited as a journalist. “He seduced me, he knew how to do it. He was a man of many women” he said. “He flirted in the attached restaurant. I saw that he was looking at me from the next table. And in the evening there was dinner. At that table between us was Rosa María Mateosaid something that scandalized and I was looking to see what effect it had on me.. That dinner ended. “I went with a group of journalists to have drinks in Santiago.”

The roneo continued: “At lunch in the convent of San Francisco, at the table, he told me ‘come here next to me’. And I told him no, I have to be at the journalists’ table. ‘Take off your glasses’. I say no “It’s just that I went to bed late. And he told me, ‘My daughter, we are on such a bad path.’ He was a seducer. We sat down and he rubbed my leg under the table. Knee to knee. And I said it will be my thing, but he was deliberately rubbing my knee and from there on, eternity… The telephone… He called me every day on the radio and from there on, 17 years of life.”

She also revealed the prediction that the author made about her: “One day I was walking with Rafael Montesinos and he told him ‘You will see that one day they are going to give me a Nobel and I am going to go pick it up with a very young and very pretty woman’ and she says ‘who is that’. And she says ‘she’s not born yet“.

Marina Castaño was astonished when she found out: “How can you plan for someone who was not born… Maybe it was a joke but the joke ended up being true“. So much reality that in the end it was she who accompanied him to collect the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1989, starring in a historical image.

Camilo José Cela was married between 1944 and 1990 with María del Rosario Conde Picavea, who had already thought about what dress she would wear to accompany the Nobel Prize winner to collect the title. Regarding this, Castaño noted: “It was a conversation between them. She probably didn’t realize that ours wasn’t frivolous.. He said I’m going to collect the prize with a woman who is not my legitimate wife, but she will be. And they told him, come and collect the prize with whoever you consider. We had been living together for a year. We lived in hiding“.

The dart to the son of José Camilo Cela

The widow’s quarrels with the only son of the author of Beehive, Camilo José Cela Condewere latent during the relationship, to the point that the journalist pointed out to him again this Wednesday on the Cuatro program: “He was very ungrateful, he never took care of him, nor did he call him to say ‘how are you dad’?. Never. With his father, he no longer has to behave well with me because he doesn’t unite us at all.” Castaño assures that he only worried after his death: “Of course, He worried about economic interests to see what he could get from here and there. But that’s also for little people.”

After the death of Camilo José Cela, it was said that Castaño inherited the main fortune. It must be remembered that for the Nobel title he pocketed a check for three million Swedish crowns, about 54 million pesetas at the time. She, on the other hand, denies having inherited five and a half million euros: “Do you believe that? I would like to. He thought so, but he must have been very disappointed”. And he added: “There was nothing, peanuts”.

Thus, he shot Camilo José Jr.: “The important thing was my husband, not him.. I think I saw him two or three times in my entire life. What can interest you in a person that you have only seen twice, very little?

However, she did speak of the pain with which, according to her, her husband died: “I cannot comment on the feelings of my husband. What I do know is I had immense pain because there wasn’t a closer relationship. In the end, contact is what makes love. And it hurt him not to have that contact. “Having a granddaughter and not knowing her.”

The inheritance of Camilo José Cela

However, it must be remembered that Marina Castaño was the protagonist of the dispute she had with the Cela family over the Galician writer’s will and that the Supreme Court in 2014 ruled in favor of the author’s son. The inheritance exceeded eight million euros.

The Nobel Prize winner left his entire inheritance to the foundation that bore his name and to his widow, and his son fought in court to get what he was entitled to by law. After years of litigation, the court ruled in favor of the son and forced the journalist to give him 3.9 million euros in compensation.

Life after Camilo José Cela

Since 2013, Castaño has been married to the cardiovascular surgeon Enrique Puras Mallagray: “Almost 22 years have passed since he left, I spent nine years without anyone in my life, working, going out with friends. The worst thing is the first two years when it is difficult for you to accept loneliness, the deep sadness that the emptiness of your life produces. that love, then time passes and the human being recomposes himself“.

In this way, with the doctor he regained his hope in love: “After nine years I met an extraordinary person, who gives me a lot of happiness, and above all, has known how to understand my life, and who respects it, and who loves me.” and we profess a lot of fidelity to each other“. Due to her wedding to the surgeon, lost the title of Marchioness of Iria Flavia.