The Girona player explodes against the referee at half-time against Almería
“All First Division players will agree”
The Girona player David López was forceful this Sunday against the way of being of the referee Miguel Ángel Ortiz Arias, whom he accused of “lacking respect” and insulting the players, something with which “all First Division players will agree.” “.
“I respect everyone’s work, but the bad manners, the arrogance, all First Division players will agree. You can’t work like that, it’s very difficult, it’s difficult to focus on the game. He disrespects you, he insults you, It is difficult to work like this, the work is complicated,” he said in statements to Dazn, reported by Europa Press.
The Girona defender appeared at half-time in Montilivi and, very angry, told what he said was something suffered by all his teammates in the First Division. “The referee, Miguel Ángel, I mean, the First Division players know him, but it is an issue that is more human than professional,” he stated.
“You can always say one word louder than the other but do not insult, do not disrespect, we are all in the same boat,” he added, about the referee Miguel Ángel Ortiz Arias, who admonished David López himself shortly before half-time.