Lequio and Joaquín Prat respond to Bigote Arrocet’s attacks: “My infidelities are prescribed”

Arrocet Mustache Last week’s exclusive was not enough and, this Wednesday, he surprised with a telephone interview in which he answers the Campos sisters. In this conversation with Antonio Rossihas also had some words for Joaquín Prat y Alessandro Lequio.

Regarding the first, he has questioned his professionalism as a presenter: “He is a person who is a presenter and is there and has to be neutral. It’s that simple. Okay?”

The presenter of We’ll see He replied: “I believe that television changed in this country a long time ago and that presenters also have the right to express our opinion about one thing or another.” He has also described as “huge inopportunity” the fact that he made “an exclusive to talk about these issues when not even a month has passed since Teresa’s death.”

Regarding Lequio, Bigote has suggested that the Italian betrayed María Teresa after opening the doors of his program on Telecinco to her, Day to day. She also taunted him: “It would be better if he didn’t talk about infidelities.”

Ana Obregón’s ex responded: “If it were up to me, I would ignore this man completely, but, so that people are clear, I am going to completely dismantle everything he said. He says that Teresa was the first one to tell me.” She gave her a job as soon as she arrived in Spain, well no, I arrived in Spain 10 years before starting to work with her. I wrote for various media, among which was the magazine Interviewand collaborated in Martian Chronicles“.

And he added: “She must have really liked how I did it on Xavier Sardá’s program and that’s why she called me. She says that I stabbed María Teresa. The truth is that I worked with her until the last moment when he was in this house [y fichó por Antena 3]. When she left, I stayed sitting in this little chair [el de El programa de Ana Rosa durante los últimos 18 años y ahora en Vamos a ver] and here I am still.”

On the other issue, he has not remained silent either: “As for the infidelities, mine are well known, they are completely prescribed. They were never as shabby as his, I can say that. Never. I can assure you, never.” “They were so cheesy.”