The case daniel sancho It has meant a media revolution in Spain, but it has also done so in Colombia, the place of origin of Edwin Arrieta. About to be a month after her murder, the surgeon’s sister has given a new interview to the local channel RCN.
Darling Arrieta He says that, with the intuition that something was not going well with his brother in Thailand, he searched his social networks and found Daniel’s profile. “I asked him what he knew about my brother and he told me that he lost track of him on the beach. Good God! How can he be your friend and not know where he is? I told him to run and report it,” he explains.
Although the son of Rodolfo Sancho He followed his instructions and reported the disappearance of his friend, Darling did not trust him and made a call to prevent Daniel from leaving the Asian country. “I quickly called the Colombian consulate and asked them to please not let this man out of the country because I suspected him, and they told me that they would notify the Thai authorities. Thank you to the Colombian consulate for acting quickly and allowing arrest Daniel,” he said.
In addition, he revealed what the moment was like when he found out that his brother had died. “I contact the consul and she tells me ‘we have found a body’. I asked her ‘do you think it’s my brother?’ And before her silence I knew it. He was my brother. This is how this whole nightmare began, “she said through tears.