The actor already has his bags ready to head to the country where his son remains in pretrial detention after pleading guilty to the murder of Edwin Arrieta After a month of arduous negotiations in Spain (such as readjusting his work schedule or hiring Daniel’s defense from Spain), Rodolfo Sancho he will finally travel to Thailand, where he will still hold a couple more meetings before meeting his son Daniel again.
It will be on Sunday when the actor leaves Fuerteventura for Bangkok, the capital of the country. He will stay here for two days, until Tuesday, when he plans to meet with personnel from the Spanish embassy and also with him thai lawyer who have been assigned to defend their son, Khun Anan. If everything goes according to plan, Rodolfo Sancho will visit his son in Koh Samui jail on Wednesday and, as announced by his spokesmen, he will offer his first words to the press that stands guard at the door of the prison.
For her part, Silvia Bronchalo will return to Spain after spending almost fifteen days on the island. This Thursday is the first that she has missed her daily appointment with Daniel (except weekends, when visits are not allowed) and the reason was of vital importance: the actress has moved to Koh Pan Nghan, the island where Edwin Arrieta was murdered, to meet with the police who arrested his son. It was not a spontaneous decision, but the meeting had been planned for days and the objective was to explain to Silvia where the investigation is now and how Thai legislation works.