unstoppable in his gastro adventure. Taking advantage of the pull of television and media exposure, Belén Esteban launched into the business world and landed in the food sector: chips, salmorejo, vegetable creams and the great novelty of the stir-fry. Its star product, the gazpacho. Although not so star, judging by the results produced by the company Sabores de la Esteban SL: in one year it has gone from earning 161,986 euros to 9,472, as reported by The reason according to the last fiscal year of the company. This implies that Belén has entered about 150,000 euros less (a 94% drop in its benefits).
The data provided by the newspaper also point to a drop in cash of the Flavors of Esteban. In 2021 he had 212,867 euros in liquid assets and, a year later, the amount amounts to 16,040.
Just two months ago, before the closing of Save me, Belén was devoted body and soul to her business facet. The one from Paracuellos, by her whim, gives it to-do. In her marketing campaign, we have seen her start por sevillanas and in palmera mode next to the flamenco group. She has boasted of a fleet of distribution trucks and has sung to the four winds the delights of her garden products.