Jenni Hermoso refers to FUTPRO so that the RFEF “adopt exemplary measures” on Rubiales’ kiss


The Spanish player Jennifer Hermoso has referred to the Association of Professional Soccer Players (FUTPRO) and its representation agency to look after their “interests” and for the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) to “adopt exemplary measures”, after she was kissed without permission by Luis Rubiales, president of the RFEF, during the trophy delivery of the recent World Cup.

“My FUTPRO union, in coordination with my TMJ agency, are taking charge of defending my interests and being the interlocutors on this matter,” Hermoso said this Wednesday in a press release, released by FUTPRO on its social networks.

In addition, FUTPRO has expressed its “firm and resounding condemnation of conduct that violates the dignity of women.” “From our association we ask the RFEF to implement the necessary protocols, ensure the rights of our players and adopt exemplary measures,” he added his note.

“It is essential that our team, the current world champion, is always represented by figures who project values ​​of equality and respect in all areas. It is necessary to continue advancing in the fight for equality, a fight that our players have led with determination, bringing us to the position we are in today”, has continued FUTPRO.

“We also call on the Higher Sports Council so that, within its powers, it actively supports and promotes prevention and intervention in the face of sexual harassment or abuse, machismo and sexism,” the union alluded to the role of the entity chaired by by Victor Francos.

“FUTPRO rejects any attitude or conduct that violates the rights of soccer players and from the union we are working so that acts like the ones we have seen never go unpunished, are sanctioned and the pertinent measures are adopted to protect soccer players from actions that we believe are unacceptable”, has settled the note.