Jenni Hermoso heats up the controversy of the kiss with a photograph from Ibiza that confronts the networks

Rubiales’ future is up in the air after the scandal he starred in in the World Cup final by kissing the player Jenni Hermoso. Thousands of people ask for her resignation and the committee meets this Friday to decide her fate while the girls celebrate their victory oblivious to the controversy in Ibiza. From there, in addition, Jenni Hermoso has shared an image that has caused a stir on social networks.

The champion shows a temporary tattoo on her leg that reads ‘There is no summer without a kiss’. A message that many have interpreted as a way to downplay the matter and support her president in the face of public ridicule.

Others, however, defend that it is only a gesture of complicity with their companions, who also wear the same tattoo and that it turns out to be the slogan of one of the best-known pubs on Pitiusa.

Statement: “We demand to take action”

Barely an hour after Jenni Hermoso’s publication on social networks, the player has spoken about what happened through the players’ union and has done so with a blunt statement: “My FUTPRO union, in coordination with my TMJ agency, they are in charge of defending my interests and being the interlocutors on this matter. From FUTPRO we express our firm and resounding condemnation of behaviors that violate the dignity of women. From our association we ask the Royal Spanish Football Federation to implement the necessary protocols, watch over the rights of our players and adopt exemplary measures”.

And he adds: “We also call on the Higher Sports Council so that, within its powers, it actively supports and promotes prevention and intervention in the face of sexual harassment or abuse, machismo and sexism.”