The debate between Sánchez and Feijó, according to the networks: filters, joints and Belén Esteban

The face to face between the candidates for Moncloa of the two main Spanish political forces has been a real disappointment for many. “Embarrassing” and “Shameful” are some of the qualifiers it has received on social networks, where the hastags of the debate on Antena 3 have remained on the Trending Topic until the end despite everything. And it is that many Internet users, bored by the show by Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, have used humor to animate the night.

Some amused themselves by testing the Snapchat filters while others remembered David Bisbal’s latest viral phrase or turned to a character that never fails to make fun: the queen of the meme, Belén Esteban.

They also clamored for more involved moderators in the debate (Vallés and Pastor have been criticized for their passivity), they joked with the more ‘chop’ side of Sánchez and the writer Maruja Torres even remembered better times.

Celebrities give their opinion: from Carmen Lomana to Matamoros

The best-known faces in the media have also been very aware of the expected debate between Pedro Sánchez and Feijóo and have spoken openly.
