Miguel Méndez: “The match against Latvia will be very difficult from a mental point of view”


The Spanish women’s basketball coach, Miguel Méndez, has assured that Spain’s first game in the Eurobasket against Latvia will be “very complicated from a mental point of view” and believes that there will be “a certain dose of anxiety and nervousness”, and it has been shown “very conscientious” of being “helped by people who have more experience”.

“From a mental point of view, I expect a very complicated game. It is not the first time for me that I have gone to a championship being the favourite, and I understand that for a team that feels like a favorite, playing the first game is not easy. We all have We have to accept that there will be a certain dose of anxiety and a certain dose of nervousness, and we must play accepting this, forgiving the mistakes that we can make during the game. The mental aspect will be one of the keys”, he declared at a press conference.

In addition, at a tactical level, the Galician coach pointed out that they must “look for the best possible game plan together with the important players.” “We must look for the best possible five and the best rotations. If I am 100% sure of something, it is that all the players are giving their best to be available for whatever we ask of them, and I like that very much as a coach, that the players Trust in what we are doing to do what you have to do,” he said.

In this sense, he believes that each player “will vary their role” throughout the championship. “There are players who can be starters today and tomorrow can come off the bench as the second rotation, but I am sure that they will all accept this. It seems key to me to have a good championship. After this first game, which is certain it is that there will be a second, and depending on the result it can be key. We have to be mentally prepared for everything”, manifested.

On a personal level, he acknowledged feeling “very good.” “I am very happy and very grateful to all those who have given me the opportunity to be here. I am very happy with the level of organization and involvement that I find in all the members of the expedition. I look forward to the first game”, express.

“I am relying a lot on the staff, who have much more experience than me, on the players, but I am also very confident in my experience in moments of tension, in important matches, and in my training. I am very aware of letting myself be helped by people who have more experience than me and are very confident in what I want to do and what I think I should do in this team”, he concluded.