With a serious gesture and focusing on what is important, on health, Carmen Lomana has revealed his recent passage through the operating room. He noticed a lump in the carotid (it is the carotid artery, next to the neck), which gave him the alarm. “I noticed it in the summer and I didn’t pay any attention to it.” Thus he has begun the story of him in Public mirror.
“I noticed that I had a lump when I was putting on my earrings and I paid no attention to it…” An alarm that led him to have a biopsy on May 4 and that he reported on Thursday the 11th. “They did an MRI. It’s a tumor in the carotid and it is very serious. If we do not catch it in time, it metastasizes in the brain,” he revealed on the Susanna Griso program. And she added: “I want to make an appeal. The moment you see something strange in the body (…) If it had been something else, it would have become cancer.” Still pending the final results, Lomana is calmer because “the doctors are 90 percent convinced that there are no malignant cells.”