Doña Letizia, at the Cervantes Prize lunch: proof that lady shoulder pads are back (to stay)

Even with the hangover from Cervantes to the Venezuelan poet Rafael Cadenas, the kings Philip VI y Joy They offer the traditional post-award lunch. A festive and literary meeting to celebrate letters with the winner himself and with the company of academics, editors, philologists, critics, writers, journalists and booksellers. This event took place at the Royal Palace on Tuesday, April 25.

The meal of the Kings is the final fireworks of the book festival and reading of this very literary and Cervantes month of April. If on Monday 24 Don Felipe and Doña Letizia presented the Miguel de Cervantes 2022 award to the Venezuelan poet Rafael Cadenas at the University of Alcalá de Henares, this Tuesday the event was transferred to the Royal Palace. There, in the Gasparini Room, the Kings have received their guests. The first, the honoree, Cadenas, 93 years old. Assistance is also planned Santiago Munoz Machado, director of the RAE; of Luis Garcia Montero, director of the Cervantes Institute; of the academic Luis Maria Anson; and the writer Javier Cercas.

For this meeting with men and women of letters, Doña Letizia has released a lady dress. A design of two pink tones (stick and gum) that form a curious animal print. The neckline, in a V, goes on a top with sleeves, also lady, puffed and armed with shoulder pads. The draped skirt is fitted and has an opening to favor the step.