The low audiences presented by Telecinco in recent months have caused Paolo VasileCEO of Mediaset Spain, have the days numbered in the group. In Italy they have already made the decision to leave the conglomerate and this month his departure will be officially announced.
As anticipated The world This Monday, the Italian businessman will leave his post after almost 20 years of dedication. In the same newspaper they assure that Vasile’s departure will be announced this same month of October and that on the 26th successors will be considered at an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting. This change comes after Borja Prado was appointed president of Mediaset Spain last April and Pier Silvio Berlusconi (son of the tycoon, heir to the group and current executive director of MFE-MediaForEurope, Mediaset’s Italian parent company) has put A major internal renovation is underway.
Vasile, who turned 69 last June, has been one of the conglomerate’s heavyweights for the past two decades. Appointed CEO since 1999, he has been in charge of directing the helm of the Berlusconi chain, making all the strategic decisions and has accumulated enormous power inside and outside the communication sector.