About 70 ultras from Recreativo de Huelva attacked a bar in Córdoba with sticks and stones in the run-up to the match that faced the Dean with Córdoba B in their group of Third RFEF starring in a tumultuous brawl in the Arenal area, in the aforementioned establishment near the Arcángel stadium causing damage as well as in vehicles and urban furniture. Police and club sources explain that it has not been a confrontation between fanss. They assure that, at the time of the events, there was very little public in the premises and that what has occurred is an attempt to destroy it.
Both the National and Local Police had to be fully employed to contain the situation, separate the groups and act in accordance with the provisions of the Sports Law for these situations, which derives the coordination of the situation from the National Police Force.
The people participating in the brawl, all of them Recreativo fans, have been sanctioned, according to police sources. The procedure includes the prohibition of access to the stadium and its police escort to return to the city of origin in a controlled manner. There are no arrests but several of these ultras have been identified.
An operation of the National and Local Police has led the Ultras of Recre back to the Andalusian city to prevent new outbreaks of violence. The confrontation was extrapolated to social networks.
Condemnation of Recre
Once the match with Córdoba B was over, Recre has issued an official statement in which it “deeply regrets and condemns the altercationss occurred in the previous meeting. These undesirable and unjustifiable behaviors are not consistent with the values promoted by our club. And of course, they do not represent our fans, beloved and respected in all the fields of Spain ”.
It is striking this violence between small groups of these two teams whose hobbies were twinneds and they did joint acts every time they faced each other until recently. Things seem to have changed.