Zidane considers various possible scenarios for the pandemic

The technical body Real Madrid is busy these days in find the strategy suitable for trying to keep the squad in top shape when the season resumes, should this ever happen. The club's leaders have already transferred to Zidane the different scenarios that LaLiga proposes for the return of the matches. There is two key dates that will allow us to know the terms of this anomalous situation in the Madrid region, according to the mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida. The first is March 25 or 26 “when it will be known if the contagion curve is flattened a little with respect to the measurements that have been taken ”. The other is the April 15, “to see if the number of people discharged is higher than the number of people who are infected.” But, obviously, football will have to adapt to government measures.

No one escapes, and neither does Zidane, who Given the situation, the most feasible is that, if the competition resumes, it is done on the deadline that would allow the domestic championships and the Champions to finish before June 30. For this, the League would have to resume around the 15 th of May. This is the main scenario in which Zidane works. Between May 15 and June 30 the 11 days would have to be disputed remaining from LaLiga and the Champions League qualifiers until the final. That would even require that they dispute games every 48 hours.

Shield / Flag Real Madrid

In this first scenario in which Zidane works, which is valued as the most feasible, The workload of this express preseason to be carried out would be moderate to avoid risk of injury in the matches, which will have to be played so often (every 48 hours). It would be a kind of NBA model in which you play a lot and hardly train.

There are other scenarios in which the technical staff can already work after the possibilities are transferred to them. Everyone is more optimistic over time, but what is really important for the coaching staff is when the squad can start working, if it can have a week before the competition resumes, or two. It will be essential for them to know when the Government will lift the Alarm State. It is almost certain that it will remain, at least, until after Easter. Serve this comparison: In the Wuh regionStill, the first day without infection (last Thursday) came after eight weeks of confinement. ANDIn Spain, the contagion curve is more pronounced than in China and Italy, and the State of Alarm decreed that facilitates physical distancing on March 14 …

JAVIER SORIANO & nbsp; (AFP) '); return false; “class =” item-multimedia “>

Zidane, this season.

LaLiga calculates that the clubs have 28 percent of their contracts for television rights left to them, that is to say, 550 millions of euros. At stake is also the money that enters through ticket offices and fertilizers. They want to finish the competitions. That is why there is another scenario in which it works, the worst of all, and that is that UEFA and FIFA process an emergency measure so that the contracts of the players can end a few days later on June 30, as well as the contracts of the loaned players, and that the Champions, the Europa League and the domestic Leagues may end in the first fortnight of July… With the panorama so uncertain, Zidane try together Bettoni and the physical trainer Gregory Dupont, they prepare all the epossible scenarios.