Zenit wins its fourth consecutive Russian league

The Zenit St. Petersburg won this Saturday with its fourth consecutive Russian league by defeating Moscow locomotive (3-1) in the absence of three days for the end of the championship.

The Locomotivestruggling to get into Europatook the lead in minute 4 through Churchbut the team led by Sergei Semak came from behind in the first half with goals from the Russian Sergeyev and the brazilian Malcom.

The lace put it Mostovói With a quarter of an hour to go until the end of the match played at the Gazprom Arena of the former tsarist capital.

Shield/Flag Zenit

With 61 points, Zenit are nine points ahead of second-placed Dinamo Moscowwho surprisingly fell today in his stadium against the penultimate, the Ural. (2-3)

The best player on the team sponsored by the Gazprom gas consortium was the Brazilian claudinhowho was signed by the Zenit after proclaiming himself Olympic champion with his country.

The Zenitwhose top scorer in the league has been the veteran Dzyuba With 13 goals, he has no rival in Russia, although in Europe he has had a very poor performance in recent years, since he has never managed to qualify for the second phase of the Champions League or shine in the Europa League. It is the eighth league title in Zenit’s history since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Escudo/Bandera Lokomotiv

The revelation team of the championship has been the Sochiwho is now third with 49 points, while fourth place seems guaranteed for CSKAwhich has two points less.

of the historical ones, the Spartak and the Rubinwill have to fight to avoid relegation in the last days, since they are currently tenth and eleventh classified.