- Things of the 90 that have already become very outdated
- The transfer speed of the archives of the time
- Or choose one of the few styles of WordArt

If we look back years we can ensure that the life of a person who has lived in the 90s, is totally different from life today. The way of dressing, of communicating, of having fun, everything was different at that time and if we compare it with today's daily life there are things that seem impossible to us.
The 90s were like the transit of totally different lifestyles. In those years many electronic devices began to come out that marked the lifestyle of that era but nowadays, they already have much more developed versions and it seems impossible to have survived so many years without them.
Although computers already existed, the loading speed of that time would make many people crazy today.
Kids today will never know the torture … pic.twitter.com/5zS2pOQRIF
– Nick Younker (@NYounker) April 27, 2019
The classic 90's socks were so long that they could be worn in layers.
Today's kids will never know what it was like to have to create your own ankle socks. pic.twitter.com/UbScwjJN3G
– OG Brown (@OGBlood_) January 5, 2020
The SMS was the WhatsApp of that time and we had to use the right characters so that they wouldn't charge us for 2.
Today's kids will never know the struggle of exceeding number of characters during texting and using every possible shorthand so we don't get charged for 2 texts ???? #goodolddays
– B (@MsCoralCoast) December 30, 2019
To communicate with your friends you had to use the landline and ask your parents before if you could talk to him.
Today's kids will never know what it was like before everyone had cell phones and you had to use your family's home phone to call your friend's home phone and ask their parents if you can talk to your friend
– Cynthia (@_cynthsj) November 12, 2019
If a 32-gigabyte USB stick is not enough for you, you had to try storing your files on floppy disks.
Today's kids will never know the joy of swapping shareware discs with your friends or having to wait for the next episode of doom or Duke Nukem to come out! pic.twitter.com/njD46VA5yH
– Art of Jason Wulf (@jasonwlf) January 2, 2020
Finding a song among thousands being able to use only one button was a miracle.
Today's kids will never know how long it took to find the song you wanted to listen to ???? pic.twitter.com/491d3LAa66
– Kenya ???? (@_Fuck_Youuuuuuu) December 30, 2019
Ronald McDonald's friends were so famous that they even gave each other as a toy in the Happy Meal.
Today's kids will never know Ronald McDonald used to have a “squad” pic.twitter.com/k8ZNedV1KC
– Justin Cider (@PantsDonkey) March 27, 2018
One of the most difficult decisions was to choose one of WordArt styles.
Today's kids will never know how hard it was to make this choice. pic.twitter.com/v9neXmmNeU
– AsapShakur (@ kemar395) January 6, 2020
The maximum happiness of finding a special chrome in the package you just bought.
Today's kids will never know the absolute scenery when pulling one of these gems out a pack. Absolute limbs outside Umars Corner Shop. pic.twitter.com/4W5VU16jE6
– George (@StokeGeorge) August 29, 2018
A large library of movies on VHS were our own Netflix.
Today's kids will never know ??????????? pic.twitter.com/kM2GkfF0rT
– EastAfricanguy (@eastafricanguy) December 21, 2019
The computer mouse worked thanks to a ball and it had to be cleaned inside to work properly.
Remember having to clean out your mouse every few days? Today's kids will never know this struggle pic.twitter.com/zeUbTi6SoJ
– SimmerJonny (@SimmerJonny) April 24, 2019
When a teacher took us to the computer room it was one of the best moments.
Today's kids will never know how big of a deal it was to go to the computer lab.
– confusing thoughts: threads 🙂 (@ThreadsThinking) January 1, 2020
How annoying it was to want to watch a movie but have to rewind it first.
Today's kids will never know the joy of wanting to watch a VHS tape, only to realize you have to rewind it first …. and the excruciating few minutes it took for it to rewind ????
– ???? Rage Kween ???????? (@RaeKillham) December 9, 2019