Vicente Moreno's Espanyol debuted with “many positive things” and “others that could be improved” against Huesca, LaLiga SmartBank champion. This is how his coach believes it and the fans perceived it from their homes, comforted to see another face of the parakeet team, away with which they said goodbye to the sad last championship: “It was a dramatic situation for everyone, you have to turn the page and focus on the road.”
The new coach elaborated on that idea in a strange season. The Valencian does not want to waste time: “Nor you have to waste time or give away minutes and the intention is to take advantage of every minute so that the team we want to compete in the League can be seen as soon as possible. ”An idea that will also depend on how the market is resolved. “For me the players are the ones who are, if afterwards the market is giving some situation of entry and exit we will change the idea. In this very special situation that we live in, football is no different and economic situations are experienced and we will have to wait to see the final team that we have, “he commented on Esport3.

Regarding the match against Huesca (1-1), Moreno stressed that “We have been in for two weeks and many mechanisms take time. The most important thing is that I see that they want to carry out sometimes with more success, sometimes with less. Here is the work until the season begins, that the mechanisms that we want to appear every time are on the pitch, we will try to find perfection even though it is complicated. “And he elaborated on a psychological aspect: “The reality is that we are in Second. The club is First class but the professionals should be considered as Second as the rest of the rivals. From there we must be able to understand it. Uniting quality with will is a formula that can give success“.
In his first stage in Barcelona, still connecting to the city, Moreno is clear that the squad can be improved, like that of all teams. “Whoever can arrive and improve and can help will be welcome, we are open to the possibilities that the club may have.” And he does not want to waste an ounce of effort in speculating about possible exits: “It is not something I have to think about, I think about those who are and are those who focus my attention today. Today they are and I think tomorrow, so to work with them as if they were there all season. The market and the circumstances will determine what happens. “