Yolanda Díaz opens the doors of her house in the middle of the campaign: “I iron because it relaxes me”

Just four days before the general elections on 23-J, the political leaders bring out all their artillery. In the middle of the electoral campaign, the current second vice president of the Government and candidate for Sumar, has opened the doors of her house in Madrid to talk about some of her habits.

On the night of this Wednesday, in addition, it is measured with Pedro Sanchez y Santiago Abascal in the Debate of TVE, where it will not be Alberto Núñez Feijóo by own decision.

In a recorded interview with Public, Yolanda Diaz she shows herself inside her house while ironing clothes: “I usually iron because I love to iron, because it relaxes me. I’m very nervous and I spend hours, almost every day, ironing. When I get home from work I concentrate, I fix a point and I iron, I iron my clothes and everyone’s clothes”. The Galician does not lose her good taste when it comes to dressing while she irons in one of the rooms of the house, with white walls and without showing apparent luxuries.

Díaz also reveals other data from his day to day, such as the hours he sleeps during the campaign: “In the campaign? Little. Two.” He also has a few words for his only daughter, Carmela, who is spending these days in Galician lands due to her mother’s busy schedule facing the generals: “Carmela left just yesterday for Galicia. It was a mess because she had to come with me, you know? Because she had no one to leave her here with.”

Very reserved with her private life, the politician shares her life with the draftsman Andres Meizoso (top image), with whom he has little Carmela. They both live in Madrid, although whenever they can they escape to Galicia to share quality time with family and friends. In an interview with Jorge Javier Vázquez, the Minister of Labor and Social Economy also revealed that she likes to walk around Madrid at night alone, without security personnel, and that people are surprised to see her.