Xavi: “Seeing how we were in November… we have to sign it”

Xavi spoke at the end of the match in the Coliseum press room. These were his impressions.

What analysis do you make of the tie?

The goal was to be second and we have covered that. We can be satisfied if we take into account how we were in November, December and January. The situation was complicated. That was the goal. This match will not go down in history but we have covered the objectives. We would have signed this in November. If you see the movie in November… From now on, get to work. A diagnosis has been made.

Why didn’t Dembélé play?

From what I’ve seen, from what the game asked for, from Dembélé’s effort, I’ve decided on this eleven.

Watching today’s game, would you say that playing one hundred percent was lacking?

We have failed to believe it more. But we have mastered the game. The tie gave us second place and serves to cover the objective that we had left. It is an important economic injection.

Has there been a non-aggression pact?

We have gone to win the match. We have lacked generating play, but it is true that you are seeing the results, because at one point you do think about drawing. That is reality. From here to talking about biscotto…, not at all.

Do you want Riqui to continue?

We’ll see. I have a clear diagnosis. The Board knows it, Mateu, Jordi. And we need to know the economic situation. Compete and try to compete. Now after six months we have made a diagnosis. It is clear and you have to start working.

Next year will you be able to fight for LaLIga?

It depends on the economic situation. If it is good and solvent, I am optimistic.