World Athletics sanctions Belarus for being “accomplice in Russia’s war against Ukraine”


The International Athletics Federation (World Athletics) confirmed this Thursday different measures and sanctions against the Federation of Belarus, “while Russia’s war against Ukraine continues, with the help and complicity of Belarus.”

The international organization already advanced the Belarusian file on March 1, while expanding the sanctions on Russia, to prohibit the participation in the international championships of athletes from both countries.

After the meeting of its Council, World Athletics agreed that Belarus will not host any competition, of any kind, will not have representation at the Federation Congress nor will it be able to attend any event, including the World Indoor Championships in Belgrade next week or the summer in Oregon.

On the other hand, the Council approved recommendations of the Working Group that handles the case of Russia, suspended by World Athletics since 2015 due to a systematic state doping plot. Rune Andersen, chairman of this group, acknowledged that the Russian invasion of Ukraine had “cast a shadow” over all of Russia.

However, the recommendation is that the process of reinstating the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) continues, to avoid the “very real risk” of RusAF returning to past doping practices if the process is suspended now.