With a Greek goddess style, the actress Ana de Armas competed in glamor with Michelle Williams, Cate Blanchett, Zedaya or Jessica Chastain. In the countdown to the Oscars (this year the Academy statuettes celebrate their 95th anniversary), the Cuban-Spanish interpreter arrived, posed and conquered. It was at the 29th annual SAG Screen Actors Guild Awards, which took place at the Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California, this Sunday, February 26.
Ana de Armas, in full promotion of her Oscar candidacy for her portrait of Marilyn Monroe in Blonde, seduced on the red carpet of the SAG. The actress of daggers in the back She chose a romantic dress with a deep V-neckline and velvet bows on the straps. The design, tight to the silhouette, has an empire cut with a waistband also with a black bow. She completed this outfit with an even more romantic semi-updo, to which she added a bow in her hair. super feminine.
Chastain also triumphed on the carpet, with her powerful and luminous fuchsia pink dress with a sweetheart neckline. A very Oscar-esque design fantasy; and Blanchett, with a black look with a gothic air, a mermaid silhouette with transparencies and lace.
Amanda Seyfried deviated from the usual black and opted for fluorescent green for a ye-eye minidress. A sixties look, with a bridal tail, groundbreaking, fun and very Beatle. Completed with a matching hairstyle.