FIFA has released the report on international transfers in the year 2021 that has just concluded. Report that reflects that the world of football has not suffered as much from the influence of the COVID pandemic in the year just ended.
According to this measure, a total of 54,379 player transfers were closed in 2021. Of which 19,372 affected professional soccer players (men and women) and a total of 34,367 amateur soccer.
As far as men’s professional soccer is concerned, a total of 18,068 transfers were made worldwide. This represents an increase of 5.1% compared to 2020.
In addition, this total number of transfers implies a new record in terms of the clubs involved in them. Specifically 4,544 clubs from 185 different countries, compared to 4,162 clubs in 2020 from 179 different associations.
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That if, in global economic terms, if there has been a reduction in what affects the monetary amounts that have moved. In 2021 it was 4.26 billion euros. This represents a decrease of 13.6% compared to 2020 and 33.8% compared to 2019. The last year before the start of the pandemic.
Women’s football continues to grow without stopping
The one who least notices all this context is women’s football. Here the increase of more than a thousand transfers compared to the previous year is reflected in the number of clubs. A total of 414 were involved compared to 347 in 2020.
The 1,304 transfers in women’s professional soccer implies a growth of 26.2% compared to 2020, which already experienced a record increase of 23.3%. A brutal growth that is also reflected in the economic amount where the global amounts negotiated almost double. It has gone from 1.05m euros to 1.84m last year.
And finally this year 2021 also registers amateur football, also forced since July 2020 to include international transfers in FIFA.
The results are incredible. A total of 17,571 clubs from 201 different associations that have been involved in a total of 35,367 transfers of amateur players (men and women) from 202 different countries. Germany has been the most active with a total of 5,122 signings and 2,651 departures.