“With Rijkaard I did the same as with Koeman: to resist is to win”

He didn’t want Koeman and he goes on. Did you have a sports project?

Laporta: “Koeman was there when we arrived and what we need is stability. This is achieved by giving confidence to the coach of the first team. He has had it very difficult, losing top-level footballers. When you have to make decisions is when things go wrong. With Rijkaard I already did the same as with Koeman. In times of difficulty, maximum confidence. To resist is to win at the moment in which we now live at Barça ”.

Why did Messi leave?

Laporta: “Messi leaving is one of my most difficult decisions. We all wanted him to continue, but LaLiga told us no to a contract already prepared and could not mortgage the television rights for 50 years with CVC. There was no salary margin and the audit figures were very bad. I believed that Barça is above players and presidents. I’m satisfied with having made that decision for the good of Barça, but sad, because I wanted it to continue ”.

Had Leo already done it with PSG?

Laporta: “I believe their agents, who tell me no. He couldn’t wait any longer. I stay with the years that we enjoy it.

Can we know the real salary of each player?

Laporta: “We are not authorized to provide the salaries of the players, it is a very sensitive issue. Wages are confidential. Figures are published that are not true ”.

Why isn’t Urdangarín del Palau’s shirt off the hook?

Laporta: “It would be necessary to set criteria to withdraw shirts. But the one of Urdangarín hung by its merits with the Barça. Then he was tried for some facts. We believe in reintegration. I have great memories of him. I wouldn’t go around any more ”.

And the third tier?

Elena Fort: “The current third tier disappears. During the works we will have to be outside the Estadi if we do not find another possibility. At the time the work is done, a rotating shift will be established by lottery so that subscribers can go to the field “

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