with President Rebelo de Sousa, a decoration and lunch at the palace

Official reception at the Belém Palace in Lisbon. There, the Princess of Asturias was received by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who acted as Leonor’s host on this first day of her international agenda. Both went up to a red-carpeted platform. After listening to both national anthems, the Princess and the President of Portugal walked around the palace gardens. We see Leonor very sure of herself, with a powerful, natural image and with ease in front of the cameras. After this first photograph, Rebelo de Sousa is expected to be awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Christ by the President, one of the highest decorations awarded by the Portuguese Presidency.

Leonor’s solo international agenda has begun. Lisbon was the destination, a nearby neighbouring city. The heiress arrived at the Jerónimos Monastery, where a floral offering was made before the mausoleum of the poet and writer, father of Portuguese literature, Luís de Camões.

The princess entered the monumental building accompanied by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares. From there she went to the tomb of the famous poet, whose birth anniversary is being celebrated this year. To the sound of a bugle, the heir to the throne approached the wreath of white flowers next to the grave, which had a ribbon in the colour of her script and her name, Princess of Asturias.
