the cloak of Willy Barcenas to his mother has been crucial for Rosalia Iglesias get the same regime of semi-freedom that your husband already enjoys, Luis Barcenas. And it is that the singer has hired his mother in his musical company, a determining factor in obtaining such desired permission.
After five years in prison, the singer of Taburete has helped Iglesias with a fundamental requirement to obtain this semi-freedom. The application of article 100.2 of the surveillance court, in the case of the mother of Willyallows you to enjoy a less flexible regime than the third degree prison, but which allows you go out to work and it is compulsory to spend the night in a Social Integration Center (CIS).
Thus, the son of Luis Bárcenas has done something that was in his hands to get his mother as far away from prison as possible. This requirement will be met because Willy has already made him an employment contractas he also did with his father, issued from his company Voltereta Récords, the company you own and is dedicated to music production.

It should be noted that the important gesture of the son with his mother would not have been enough if, in addition, Rosalía he would not have earned semi-freedom for his good behavior and good evolution during these years in prison and declare her “deep regret” for the crimes committed through a letter that the prisoner sent to the court. To the above is also added the good disposition that she had when rendering accounts with the payment of responsibilitiesa task for which he made all his bank accounts available.